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OR Medical Card Primary Review Summary

Each building submits this summary to the OR Department of Health. The Preschool/Day Care/Head Start Grades prompt is used to identify which students apply to the PRESCHOOL/DAY CARE/HEAD START section.

The vaccination totals for this report come from the OR Medical Card Report Summary. These fields pull from the "Overall" Summary page for the specified grade: Total Enrollment, No Record, Medical Exemptions, Nonmedical exemptions, Religious exemptions, and All (from CO-Complete). The specific vaccination totals (D/T, Polio, etc.) pull from the corresponding vaccination Summary's CO-Complete column.

Note the Polio total and Total Enrollment figures with the illustration of the eSchoolPlus OR Medical Card Report Summary. Also, remember that Section F shows totals for Kindergarten through 6th grade, and Section G shows totals for grades 7 through 12. You can use filters to narrow the results for a single grade.

OR Medical Card Primary Review Summary

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