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May Discipline

This section of the documentation will review prerequisites to creating the May Discipline file, describe the processing steps to create the file, and show the file layouts/mapping for each file included in the submission.

May Discipline Submission Prerequisites

  1. Verify that your Discipline Attendance Views are set up properly. See the Attendance Views section for more information.
  2. Make sure that the Day Totals Calculation has been run for the Discipline Attendance View.
  3. Verify that the Offense Actions, Incident Codes and Weapons validation tables have the correct State Code Equivs. Also verify that the Offense Action Reasons have a State Equiv Code of 0, 1 or 2 for the Discipline Modifier Reasons field in the Discipline submission file.

Please note that if an action does not have state code defined, it will not be included in the download table.

May Discipline Processing

  1. Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Collections submenu, select Collections, and then select OR Student Download. Enter the prompts as specified in the section OR Student Download > Prompts panel.
  2. For better performance, use some sort of filter, even if it is a filter that includes all of your buildings. Running the Download without a filter at all slows performance. The best filter would be an Area of Entry/Withdrawal, Field Name Building, Condition of 'is in" and then all buildings in the Value field separated by commas.
  3. Click the Run icon at the top right of the page.
  4. Review the errors in the Tasks/Reports menu's error log and update the data as necessary.
  5. Once any data updates are made, repeat step 1 using the same prompt values. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 until all errors are corrected.
  6. Go to the OR Student Submission Files page (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Collections submenu, select Collections, and then select OR Student Submission Files.) and enter the values specified in the section OR Student Submission Files > Prompts panel.
  7. Click the Run icon at the top right of the page.
  8. Click the Tasks/Reports button on the Navigation bar to display the Tasks and Reports page. The csv filename is in the format OR_ReportingPeriod_Extract_datetime.csv.

OR Student Download

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Collections submenu, select Collections, and then select OR Student Download.

Prompts Panel



School Year

The current school year.

Reporting Period

Select Discipline. Your District may have named the Reporting Period slightly differently.

Start Date

Defaults to the date specified in the Report Period validation table.

End Date

Defaults to the date specified in the Report Period validation table.

View Type

Select the Attendance View Type you have set up for Truancy Calculations

GPA Type


Clear Existing

Checked (by default); Clears records from the download table for the specified school year, reporting period, collection and filter.

Clear Override

Select this checkbox if you wish to delete records that were added or updated through the editable download record feature on the Student Download Summary page.

Log File Type

Error logs can be created in pdf style, or can be created as CSV files so that you can open them in a spreadsheet program.

Submission Files Panel

The SSID Data Section, Talented and Gifted Section, and Discipline boxes are selected by default.

OR Student Submission Files

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Collections submenu, select Collections, and then select OR Student Submission Files.

Prompts Panel



School Year

Enter the Current Year.

Reporting Period

Select Discipline (your District may have named it something different).

Submission Files Panel

The SSID Data Section, Talented and Gifted Section, and Discipline boxes are selected by default.

May Discipline Submission File Layouts

SSID File Layout/Mapping
TAG File Layout/Mapping
Discipline File Layout/Mapping

Additional Information

The decimal formatting for columns in the Discipline Download will convert the value to explicit decimal that allows precision to the tenth decimal place (for example: 5.5, 10.0, and 120.5). If there is any value present in the download as more than the tenth decimal, it will be made as tenth decimal point and also zero (0) padding will be used if fixed length size is not met.

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