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September 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_22.9.0.0



Release Note

ESP-78024Student/Course Downloads

Updated the Limited English field to not default to * for all students with a state grade of PS when processing the Student Attribute Date (FD) download. It will pull values from the EMIS Attribute - Date user-defined page.

ESP-77843Attendance Criteria Calculation

Updated the Consecutive Minutes' process to resolve a performance issue for the HB410 calculation.

ESP-77800Student/Course Download

Updated the timeout period for the Preload Data SQL Insert statements.

ESP-77312Validation Tables

Added six validation tables for the Exiting Student Follow-Up record processing compliant with ODE requirements. Pre-populated the tables with valid values.

ESP-77078AIR/AASCD Report (PreID - OLEPA)

Updated the processing to retrieve a student when they have an LEP program value of Y, L, M, or S; or an ESL value set on the Personal page.

ESP-75529EMIS Submission File and Student/Course Downloads

Updated the Student Attribute - No Date (FN) download and extract to remove the OGT Grad Alt field that was in position 49 previously.

ESP-75004EMIS Gifted

Created the EMIS Gifted page to display data in a user-friendly format. It uses the same security, menu path, and table as the old page.

ESP-74681Student/Course Downloads

The Student Course Grade (FR) download is adjusted for the valid grade options. Grade E is removed from being a valid grade. Valid grades are A, B, C, D, F, I, P, U, and W.

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