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September 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_19.11.41.0
  • ESP_20.4.34.0
  • ESP_21.4.11.0



Release Note

ESP-66137Assessment Downloads

Updated the End of Course Exams (ASSESSMENT_GE) download to only create records based on the course marks for students with a graduation date between the start of the school year and the end date prompt, and not for students from prior years when the download period is Graduate (G).

ESP-65716Assessment Downloads

Removed timeout for SA, AC, IB, WK, GM, AP, and GS assessment downloads.

Removed unnecessary SQL script from all assessments other than SA, AC, IB, WK, GM, AP, and GS.

ESP-66031Student/Course Downloads and Assessment Downloads

Corrected an Out of Memory error occurring when large districts run the Ohio EMIS Downloads.

ESP-65717Student/Course Downloads

Enabled the Core Validation option for submissions E and S.

ESP-64409Student/Course Downloads

Added “W” to the list of valid course marks to be reported in the Student Course Grade (FR) download. W implies that the student withdrew from the course before earning any credit in the course.

ESP-64408Student/Course Downloads

Updated the Student Special Ed Grad Req Rec (FE) download to not produce a record with an ASSESS_AREA_CODE of “W”, even if the “W” box is checked for an IIEP, RIEP, TIEP, or AIEP record on the EMIS Special Ed page.

Deactivated the code “CLOSED” in the Education Model validation table.

ESP-64424Student/Course Downloads and District Defined (District Glucagon Information)Added the Glucagon Doses Procured (GLCGNPRCMT) and Doses Administered (GLCGNPRCMT) attributes to the Organization General (DN) download type when processing for the SRC (S) download period and the Final download period window. Data is retrieved from the District Glucagon Information page, when the Date is within the date range for the download. Values greater than 0 will be reported along with the Date.
ESP-64661Attendance Criteria Calculation

Attendance in other buildings occurring prior to the first attendance date in the building being processed by the Attendance Criteria Calculation for Ohio was not being included in the calculation. This attendance should be included when the “Y - Use All Buildings” value is entered in the Include Student Attendance setting on the Attendance Criteria Setup.

ESP-64607Graduation Requirements

Added the Industry Credentials Requirement Override field to the student Graduation Requirements page to override if the student met the Industry Credential requirements. This override is for both Graduation Requirements and Diploma Seals.

Added the Career-Focus Activities Requirements Met label with the Industry-Recognized Credential Seal showing Achieved to the Ohio Graduation Requirements Report for students when the Industry Credentials Requirement Override field is checked.

ESP-64602Graduation Requirements

"Took all seven required exams" is an indication that all the required tests were taken by the student for graduation requirements. Updated the calculation to consider the overrides on each end-of-course (EOC) exam when setting the "Student has taken all required end-of-course exams" indicator.

ESP-64420EMIS Submission File

Removed the CTE Workforce Dev Comp Follow-up (GV) Record fields (GV090 Racial/Ethnic Category, GV120 Diploma Date, GV130 Diploma Type, GV170 DISADVANTAGEMENT, GV200 Disability Condition, GV210 Limited English Proficiency, GV420 Grade Level, GV430 Grade Level, Next Year, GV440 Student Percent of Time, GV450 Homeless Status, GV460 Migrant Status, GV690 How Received, GV700 How Received IRN, and GV710 Student Standing Key) from the download and extract files.

ESP-64419Validation Tables

Updated the OH validation codes in the Valid Advanced Placement Exams, Valid International Baccalaureate Exams, CORE Area, Programs, Course Code, and LEP Status validation tables as per the 2022 school year requirements.

ESP-61728Validation Tables (OHTB_CTE_INDCRED and OHTB_INDUSTRY_CREDENTIALS)Removed the OH CTE Industry Credentials (OHTB_CTE_INDCRED) validation table. This table was being used in the test definition for OH-CTEIND-CERT. The options for this test definition have been updated to use the OH Industry Credential (OHTB_INDUSTRY_CREDENTIALS) validation table. It became necessary to make this change, with ODE specifying associated points, concentration and valid years for the credentials, especially for tests to be valid for certain years with a gap of being invalid. The codes for the student data are converted to match codes of the OH Industry Credentials table. This conversion is applied to all test definitions that were previously using OHTB_CTE_INDCRED.
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