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Seclusion and Restraint Report

The Seclusion and Restraint Report option performs the calculations and shows the building totals you need in order to complete the Restraint and Seclusion data collection. It includes the ability to produce building-level reports for each of the following parts of the collection:

  • Restraint Worksheet which totals behavior incidents resulting in a restraint Action code
  • Seclusion Worksheet which totals behavior incidents resulting in a seclusion Action code
  • Restraint Incidents by Disability Type report which categorizes restraint incidents based on the Disability Code that applies for the disciplined students
  • Seclusion Incidents by Disability Type report which categorizes seclusion incidents based on the Disability Code that applies for the disciplined students

The Procedural Overview covers the process of using this option, from setup steps, through student and behavior incident entry, to producing the report totals for submission to ODE.

Procedural Overview

Setup Prerequisites
  1. On the OCR District Setup's Discipline panel, use the following fields to determine the behavior Action codes the report uses to calculate a building's suspension and expulsion totals for seclusion and restraint incidents:
    • In-School Suspension
    • Out-of-School Suspension
    • Expulsion with Educational Services
    • Expulsion without Educational Services
    • Expulsion under Zero-Tolerance Policies
  2. On the OCR District Setup's Discipline panel, use the following fields to determine the behavior Action codes the report uses to calculate a building's seclusion and restraint incident totals:
    • Mechanical Restraint
    • Physical Restraint
    • Seclusion
  3. Use the Restraint and Seclusion Summary page's Building Setup section to update the following fields for the appropriate buildings:
    • Select Separate Facility for Seclusion if the building is considered a school serving students in a separate educational environment due to student disabilities requiring assistance not available in a traditional school.
    • Select Trauma Informed Care if the building staff received training or professional development about trauma-informed practices in a school setting.
Behavior Incident and Student Entry
  1. The Seclusion and Restraint Report provides totals of seclusion and restraint incidents categorized by disabilities that apply to the students receiving the disciplinary action. Disability designations come from the student Emergency page > Disability panel. The report categorizes based on the Priority 1 Disability Code, if any, that applies to the disciplined student. The report uses the Multiple Disabilities category if the student has more than one of the applicable Disability Codes. 
  2. In terms of behavior incident entry, the following information gets used by the Seclusion and Restraint Report:
    • The Building where the incident occurred (menu path: Incident Detail > Incident panel > Definition section).
    • Discipline Action Codes applied to the incident offenders (menu path: Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click offender name to expand > Offense Actions section). The report looks for the Action Codes you defined in the OCR District Setup.
    • Settings from the Ohio Discipline Information offender-level page (menu path: Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel).
Report Processing and Review
  1. Use the Seclusion and Restraint Report option to calculate seclusion and restraint incident totals by building and to get the seclusion and restraint totals categorized by student disability.
    • Refer to the Seclusion and Restraint Report Prompts section for details on each report option along with a procedure for running the Seclusion and Restraint Report.
    • The Generate Worksheet and Generate Disability Type Report options perform calculations, populate the Restraint and Seclusion Summary page, and create pdf reports for the buildings you choose to process.
  2. Use the Restraint and Seclusion Summary page to review a building's calculated totals. You can set manual overrides for any calculated field if necessary.
    • To set an override, enter the new value, select the associated Override box, then click Save.
    • Once set, an override value will not get overwritten by future report runs for the building.
  3. If you make any changes to student disability setup or behavior incident records, you can recalculate the building's seclusion and restraint totals with the Seclusion and Restraint Report options.
  4. When you are satisfied with building totals, you are ready to enter the survey information for the Restraint and Seclusion data collection based on each building's Restraint and Seclusion Summary values.

Seclusion and Restraint Report Prompts

Menu path: Regulatory > Reports > EMIS Reports > Seclusion and Restraint Report

Building ListSelect the buildings you want to process. The option performs calculations, updates the Restraint and Seclusion Summary page, and generates the reports you choose for each building you pick.
Generate Worksheet for Restraint Incidents

Select to calculate the Restraint Worksheet totals and print the results in a pdf (OH Restraint Worksheet) for the buildings you choose. The process also updates Restraint and Seclusion Summary for the prompted buildings, except where overrides are set. The printed report will include overrides if they exist.

The pdf report includes a row of totals for each building you chose.

Generate Worksheet for Seclusion Incidents

Select to calculate the Seclusion Worksheet totals and print the results in a pdf (OH Seclusion Worksheet) for the buildings you choose. The process also updates Restraint and Seclusion Summary for the prompted buildings, except where overrides are set. The printed report will include overrides if they exist.

The pdf report includes a row of totals for each building you chose.

Generate Restraint Incidents by Disability Type Report

Select to calculate the Restraint Incidents by Disability Type totals and print the results in a pdf (OH Restraint Disability Type) for the buildings you choose. The process also updates Restraint and Seclusion Summary for the prompted buildings, except where overrides are set. The printed report will include overrides if they exist.

The pdf report includes a row of totals for each building you chose.

Generate Seclusion Incidents by Disability Type Report

Select to calculate the Seclusion Incidents by Disability Type totals and print the results in a pdf (OH Seclusion Disability Type) for the buildings you choose. The process also updates Restraint and Seclusion Summary for the prompted buildings, except where overrides are set. The printed report will include overrides if they exist.

The pdf report includes a row of totals for each building you chose.

Generate Report OnlySelect to generate the reports with the totals previously calculated.

To generate restraint and seclusion incident report totals:

  1. Use the Building List prompt to select which buildings you want to process.
  2. Select which report options you want to run as described in the Report Prompts.
  3. In the Run panel, select when you want to start the task.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Click Tasks/Reports. Refer to the Report Prompts section for the file name associated with each report option.

Restraint and Seclusion Summary

Menu path: Regulatory > Setup > EMIS Setup > Restraint and Seclusion Summary

Use this page to see a building's calculated seclusion and restraint incident totals. You can set a manual override for any calculated field by selecting the Override field and modifying the Restraint and/or Seclusion values. The tables in this section show how each field gets calculated by the Seclusion and Restraint Report option.

Building ListSelect the buildings you want to process. The is updated from the calculation done in the Restraint and Seclusion Report page, and generates the reports you choose for each building you pick.
Building Setup

Select the building setup options Separate Facility for Seclusion and Trauma Informed Care as required.

Worksheet Summary

Select the worksheet category to override the calculated Restraint and/or Seclusion values. The categories available are:

  • Total Incidents (TOTAL): All offender records with an action of Restraint or Seclusion, as per the Mechanical Restraint, Physical Restraint, or Seclusion sections on the OCR District Setup page. All other offender records on these reports meet these requirements.
  • With Disabilities (IEP) (WITHDISABILITIES): Offenders with Disability codes.
  • Multiple Incidents (MULTIPLEINCIDENTS): Number of offenders with multiple incidents with restraint or seclusion.
  • Created or Revised FBA (FBA): Offenders with district-defined value of "Y" for Created or Revised FBA.
  • Created or Revised BIP (BIP): Offenders with district-defined value of "Y" for Created or Revised BIP.
  • Suspended (SUSPENDED): Offenders with action codes identified under the In-School Suspension and Out-of-School Suspension sections on the OCR District Setup page.
  • Expelled (EXPELLED): Offenders with action codes identified under the Expulsion with Educational Services, Expulsion without Educational Services, and Expulsion under Zero-Tolerance Policies on the OCR District Setup page. Each incident should is counted once.
  • Injuries to Student (INJURIESTOSTUDENT): Offenders with district-defined value of "Y" for Injuries to Student.
  • Injuries to Staff (INJURIESTOSTAFF): Offenders with district-defined value of "Y" for Injuries to Staff.
Incidents by Disability

Select the incident category to override the calculated Restraint and/or Seclusion values. The categories available are:

  • Autism (AUTISM): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 12.
  • Intellectual Disability (INTELLECTUAL): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 09.
  • Deaf-Blindness (DEAFBLINDNESS): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 02.
  • Deafness (DEAFNESS): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 03.
  • Emotional Disturbance (EMOTIONAL): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 08.
  • Hearing Impairment (HEARING): Offenders with district-defined value of "Y" for Non-Deafness Hearing Impairment. This is needed because there is no disability code for Ohio that distinguishes Deafness from a non-Deafness hearing impairment.
  • Multiple Disabilities (MULTIPLEDISABILITIES): Offender with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 01, or multiple disability codes with a state code equivalent value or 02 through 16.
  • Orthopedic Impairment (ORTHOPEDIC): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 06
  • Other Health Impairment OTHERIMPAIRMENT Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 14 or 15.
  • Specific Learning Disability (SPECIFICLEARNING): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 10.
  • Speech or Language Impairment (SPEECHORLANGUAGE): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 05.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TRAUMATICBRAININJURY): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 13.
  • Visual Impairments (VISUAL): Offenders with a primary disability code that has a state code equivalent value of 04.
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