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Pre-ID Configuration Setup

On this page:

Regulatory > Setup > EMIS Setup > Pre-ID Configuration

This option allows you to specify the IEP test type that indicates a student should take an alternate assessment and to indicate the grades to include for the test and the grades for which course information should be included in the Pre-ID file.

IEP Test Type Fields

IEP Test Type for Alternate AssessmentsSelect the test type that indicates a student should take the alternate assessment for standardized tests. If a student has a current EMIS Special Education record where the IEP Test Type is set to this value, then the student will be included in the alternate pre-ID file.

OAT Fields

Grades to Include in OAT FileSelect the student grades that you want to include in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Achievement Test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OAT Reading FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Reading test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Achievement Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Reading test. 
Grades to Include Course Information in OAT Writing FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Writing test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Achievement Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Writing test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OAT Math FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Math test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Achievement Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Math test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OAT Social Studies FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Social Studies test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Achievement Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Social Studies test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OAT Science FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Science test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Achievement Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Science test.

OGT Fields

Minimum Score for PassingEnter the minimum OGT score that a student must have in order to pass the test. If a student has passed an OGT test, the pre-ID file will not include the test for the student.
Grades to Include in OGT FileSelect the student grades that you want to include in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Graduation Test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OGT Reading FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Reading test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Graduation Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Reading test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OGT Writing FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Writing test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Graduation Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Writing test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OGT Math FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Math test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Graduation Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Math test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OGT Social Studies FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Social Studies test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Graduation Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Social Studies test.
Grades to Include Course Information in OGT Science FileSelect the grades for which you want to include course information for the Science test in the Pre-ID file for the Ohio Graduation Test. On the Generate Pre-ID Files page, you will specify the class prefix that corresponds to the course to print for the Science test.

Preschool Assessment Fields

Grades to Include in Preschool Assessment FileSelect the student grades that you want to include in the Pre-ID file for the Preschool Assessment.

Preschool ASQ/SE Fields

Grades to Include in Preschool ASQ/SE FileSelect the student grades that you want to include in the Pre-ID file for the Preschool Ages & Stages Questionnaire/Social Emotional test.

Preschool ECO Fields

Grades to Include in Preschool ECO FileSelect the student grades that you want to include in the Pre-ID file for the Preschool Early Childhood Outcome assessment.

Ohio Sci Social & Alt Assess Fields

Grades to Include in OAASCD FileSelect the student grades that you want to include in the Pre-ID file for the OAASCD.
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