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October 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_22.10.0.0



Release Note

ESP-78580Student/Course Download

Updated the FS record processing to include students' Admission Reason from the State Code Equivalent value of their regular school year entry code and not from any overlapping summer school records.

ESP-77525Attendance Criteria Calculation

When a student is absent for only part of the day, updated the Attendance Criteria Calculation processing to use the time absent and not the instructional time minus time present to determine if the student meets the criteria.

ESP-77488EMIS Submission File

Implemented the EMIS Submission file for the Exiting Student Follow-Up (FW) record.

ESP-77423Student/Course Download, Assessment Downloads, and EMIS Submission File

Removed the March (D) Download Period and CTE Workforce Dev Comp Follow-up (GV) options from the download and submission file pages.

ESP-77285Student/Course Download, EMIS Submission File, Student Download Summary, and Student Download Search

Added the Exiting Student Follow-Up (FW) download option and processing logic for this submission. Add the FW option to the student download summary and search pages.

ESP-77284Exiting Student Follow-Up

Created the Exiting Student Follow-Up district-defined page with 23 fields and security “OH-MAINT-FOLLOWUP”.

ESP-76561Graduation Requirements

When selecting the “Base and Ohio” or “Ohio Only” option and running the Graduation Requirements report with the Calculate Graduation Requirement selected, the Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation will run before the report is generated.

ESP-74682Assessment Downloads

Updated the processing to not report Writing scores for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (ASSESSMENT_SA) download.

ESP-71153Assessment Downloads

Updated the Assessments Downloads menu to have only one link for user access. Removed the Assessments Download - NEW menu from the application.

Updated the Assessments Downloads menu to have only one link for user access to the improved assessment downloads. Removed the Assessments Download - NEW menu from the application.

The older Assessment Downloads functionality will no longer be accessible.

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