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March 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_19.4.36.0
  • ESP_19.11.28.0
  • ESP_20.4.21.0



Release Note

ESP-48434Import Scores From File

ACTCS – ACT eSchoolPlus – Comma-separated file has been created to import ACT tests for Ohio customers. 

ESP-48011Assessment Download

The CTE Industry Credential (ASSESSMENT_GW) validation table has been updated to add a valid start and end year. The ASSESSMENT_GW collection to retrieve industry credentials has been updated to give a warning if the industry credential test date is not in the valid range.
The dates for each school year are retrieved based on the Fiscal Year values from the EMIS Configuration page. If there is no EMIS configuration for that year, it will use 07-01-(SY-1) for start date and 06-30-(SY) for end date. For Industry credentials that have an open end year, it will use the current year for processing.
Error warnings will be issued, but the records will still populate the download.

ESP-48001Graduation Requirements / Ohio Graduation Requirements

The Military Enlistment field has been removed from the Student Graduation Requirements - Military Enlistment panel. The EMIS program requirement now relies on the student having program code 510140. 

ESP-47752Run Upload

The OH-GV (OH GV Upload) Interface ID has been updated with interface detail records for the database columns SERVICE_PROGRAM_PLACEMENT and WORK_BASED_HOURS of OH_CT_SURVEY_DOWN to import the records.

ESP-47681Student/Course Download

The Student Course Grades (FR) submission now includes the mark types for the district to process student courses and gives warning for missing mark types.

ESP-47663District District-Defined

The district-level district-defined page definitions have been corrected by removing the invalid records in the database.

ESP-36870Import Scores from File

The OH AP test score import definition has been updated to match the 2020 AP data file layout.

ESP-34729Assessment Download

The Assessment Download has been updated to process Ohio Achievement Assessments and Ohio Graduation Tests more efficiently and reduce the overall run time.

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