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KRA Report

Regulatory > Reports > Pre-Id Files > KRA Report

To run KRA reports

  1. Select Regulatory > Reports > Pre-Id Files > KRA Report.
  2. On the KRA Report page, specify how you want to process the option. At least one of the Data boxes (Student, Enrollment, or Teacher) must be checked before processing. Refer to the Field Descriptions section for more information.
  3. Click Run to generate the selected files.
  4. To locate the file, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The file will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Reports panel. Save it to your local machine. The file names are listed below.
    • Survey forms with log file – KRA Report Log
    • Student data – Student _KRA.csv
    • Enrollment data – Enrollment_KRA.csv
    • Teacher data – Teacher_KRA.csv
Building ListSelect the building to process.
Enroll As Of DateSelect the start date from which you would like to include students in the KRA Report. 
Grade(s)Select the student grade.
Course Code(s)

Select one or more course codes if you wish to run the KRA Report for students in designated courses. 

This field is optional.

StudentChecked if you wish to include student data in the report.
EnrollmentChecked if you wish to include enrollment data in the report.
TeacherChecked if you wish to include teacher data in the report.
Run DownloadIf checked, the download will run.
Run ExtractIf checked, the extract will run.
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