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July 2024 Minor Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.6.1.0



Release Note

ESP-96094Assessment Downloads

Updated the Test Day of the Month field format to YYYYMMDD from YYYYMM for the Student Assessment (FA) record.

ESP-95280Attendance Criteria Calculation

Previously, if the Attendance Notification Calculation encountered an error, it would stop the process and not proceed to the next student. Updated the Attendance Notification Calculation process to log the errors and continue the calculation.

Error message: Unable to set the correct expiration date - 60 days left, which could not be added to student's (xxxxxxx) next year calendar. The expiration date is set to the student's last day.

ESP-96155Student/Course Download

Updated processing ensures SSIS retrieves the correct value instead of null values in the Student Standing (FS) download.

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