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July 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.7.0.0



Release Note

ESP-86698Student Course Grade (FR)

Updated the Student Course Grade (FR) downloads on the EMIS District page to continue even if there are no values in Non-Yrly Final Mark Types (FR) or Interim Mark Types (FR).

ESP-86560Validation Tables

Updated the Curriculum, Program, Course Code, and Foreign Exchange Student validation tables as per 2023-2024 EMIS updates:

  • OHTB_CURRICULUM - three descriptions modified
  • OHTB_FOREIGN_EX - added one new code and retired 3 codes
  • OHTB_COURSE_CODE - added one new code and retired codes
  • OHTB_PROGRAM - added seven new codes

The OH617 program label was also updated, and the Foreign Ex validation table name was renamed to Foreign Exchange Student.

ESP-86559Validation Tables

Updated the Industry Credentials validation table for the 2023 - 2024 school year.

ESP-84989Validation Tables, Student\Course Downloads, Assessment Downloads, and EMIS Submission File
  • Updated the Programs, How Received, EMIS Course, Advanced Placement, and LEP Status validation tables as per the 2023-2024 requirements.
  • Removed the FP - Student Transportation Record and DT - District Testing record types from the Student\Course Downloads and EMIS Submissions Files pages.
  • Added the FA - Student Assessment record type in the Download Period S on the EMIS Submissions File page.
  • Added the CTE Industry Credential (ASSESSMENT_GW) record type in the Download Period S on the Assessment Downloads page.
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