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February 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_19.4.34.0
  • ESP_19.11.26.0
  • ESP_20.4.19.0



Release Note

ESP-47431Student/Course Download

The CTE March D reporting updates are as follows:

  • Code X has been made inactive in the Other CTE Follow-up Status validation table.
  • Diploma and Intra Curricular Prog. Participation have been removed from the download and extract processing.
ESP-47405Student/Course Downloads

The EMIS District page has been updated with the following two fields:

  • Grades Hardware Provided For: Enter the grades that receive hardware from the district. The format is comma-separated. For a continuous range of grades, enter a dash between them. For example: P,3-7,11 indicates Grades P,3,4,5,6,7,11.
    Each comma separated value is reported as a row in the Organization General (DN) download.
  • Does LEA Provided Outside WIFI: Select the checkbox if the LEA provides Wi-Fi outside of building. An entry is only created in the DN download if the checkbox is checked.

The District Education Model and Building Education Model pages have been created with School Year, Education Model, and Start Date fields. Each entry is reported for the school year and is considered active from the start date. The district data is considered the default model. If a building differs from the district, enter the values in the Building Education Model.

ESP-47323Student/Course Download

The Student Course Grade (FR) download has been updated to accommodate the Level Table State Code Equivalent field to be used for both graduation requirements and the FR download.

For graduation requirements, the State Code Equivalent field can contain two comma-separated values.

  • The first value is for End of Course (EOC) points toward graduation.
  • The second is for College Credit Plus (CCP) points toward graduation.

For example, a mark of 85 could translate to 4 points toward graduation for EOC, and 5 points for CCP. In this situation, the state code equivalent value to be entered would be "4,5".

For use with the FR download, a third value containing the letter grade can be added to the State Code Equivalent field. In this example, the state code equivalent value will then be "4,5,B".

To eliminate the need to enter EOC and CCP values in the field for buildings where they do not apply, districts will be able to simply enter a "B" in the State Code Equivalent field. The FR download will then recognize that there are no graduation requirements-related values in the State Code Equivalent field and report a value of "B".

ESP-47049Graduation Requirements

To correctly report students who retook or passed the ELA2 and ALG1, the Graduation Requirements calculation has been changed as follows:

  • ALG1 and ELA2 Overall Scaled Score is used instead of the Overall Performance Level.
  • A student must either score at least 684 or take the test twice for both ALG1 and ELA2.
ESP-47031Graduation Requirements

As the WebXam scores are no longer calculated for Graduation Requirements, the following changes are updated:

  • Graduation Requirements Page:
    • Removed the Scored Proficient on WebXam field
    • Renamed the Scored Proficient on WebXam Override field to be Scored Proficient on WebXam
  • Graduation Requirements Calculation:
    • No longer calculates if a student Scored Proficient on the WebXam field
  • Graduation Requirements Report:
    • No longer considers the Scored Proficient on the WebXam field
ESP-47030Graduation Requirements

The Alternate Option 1 Pathway Requirements Met and Alternate Option 2 Pathway Requirements Met alerts have been disabled for students with a graduation year after 2020.

ESP-46909Graduation Requirements

The OH Graduation Requirements Report has been updated to match the PIMS Manual Changes v1.2 requirements:

  • Show Competency and Diploma Seals sections have been added for students graduating in 2021 and later.
  • Alternate pathway has been removed for students graduating in 2021 and later.
  • ACT and SAT have been removed for students graduating in 2023 and later.
ESP-46806Import Scores From File

AIRCS Tests can now be imported with subtests of ALG I or ALG 1 because translations were added to process these codes as Algebra 1.

ESP-46576EMIS Programs

The following Student Program codes have been added to the EMIS Programs page:

  • Learning Model
  • Hardware and Connectivity
ESP-45963Assessment Downloads

End of Course Exams (GE Assessment) has been updated to replace a blank (***) score for the Waiver (W) with the graduation points translation from a student's mark for a course that has the End Of Course Mark Type. The End Of Course Assessment Area field has been added on the EMIS Course page for Master Schedule, Building Course Catalog, or District Course Catalog.
This functionality is optional and can be activated from the EMIS District page.

ESP-45764Print Transcripts

When printing transcripts with include seals selected, the setup on the EMIS District page does not need to be completed.

If the setup is not completed and the default transcript template is being used, then the transcript will be printed but will not include any seals that are not in the EMIS District setup.

If the default transcript template is not being used, then the EMIS District setup no longer needs to be filled for seals.

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