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August 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_22.8.0.0



Release Note

ESP-77080Assessment Downloads - NEW

Updated the CTE Industry Credential (ASSESSMENT_GW) assessment download to report the test date as the first day of the month in which the test was taken, as per state documentation. If a student takes a specific test more than once a month, only the most recent score will be reported.

ESP-76426Assessment Downloads - NEW

Updated the processing to create GB, GE, GF, and GN records if the student’s test does not have a score but does have a waiver reason.

ESP-76478EMIS Submission File

Updated Student Acceleration Record (FB) submission file with 2022-2023 changes:

  • Added the Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) to be reported as part of the FB record type.
  • Removed the Accelerated Assessment Flag (FB080) from the FB record type.
ESP-76181Validation Tables (OH - Industry Credentials)

Implemented the following Ohio DoE updates for Industry Credential codes:

  • Retired 35 Industry Credential codes that ended in 2022:
    • CA57, CA59, CL22, CL23, CL24, CL27, CL28, CB17, CB19, CP43, CG39, CL14, CL16, CG06, CG40, CG45, CL17, CL18, CL19, CL20, CG22, CG20, CG34, CG55, CG25, CG23, CG21, CG19, CG33, CG56, CG03, CG04, CG05, CH72, and CQ42.
  • Updated 21 Industry Credential code descriptions.
  • Added 56 new Industry Credential codes:
    • CR14, CR15, CR16, CR17, CR18, CR19, CR20, CR21, CR22, CR23, CR24, CR25, CR26, CR27, CR28, CR29, CR30, CR31, CR32, CR33, CR34, CR35, CR36, CR37, CR38, CR39, CR40, CR41, CR42, CR43, CR44, CR45, CR46, CR47, CR48, CR49, CR50, CR51, CR52, CR53, CR54, CR55, CR56, CR57, CR58, CR59, CR60, CR61, CR62, CR63, CR64, CR65, CR66, CR67, CR68, and CR69.
ESP-75756Student/Course Downloads

Updated the Total Days processing for actions relating to a discipline incident for the Student Discipline (GD) record.

ESP-75645Student/Course Downloads and EMIS District

Added the Non-Yearly Final Mark Types and Interim Mark Types fields to the EMIS District user-defined page. These fields are a comma-delimited list of mark types. When the Student Course Grade download processes data, if the mark type is in the list of non-yearly final mark types, it will set a grade status of F. If the mark type is in the list of interim mark types, it will set a grade status of I. If the mark type is in both fields (it should not be), then the grade status is set to F. If the mark type is not in either of the new fields, it will set the grade status based on the logic that existed in the download previously.

ESP-75495Student/Course Downloads and EMIS Submission File

Updated the Student Attribute Date (FD) records for the Limited English (EL) field to report as * for all students with a state grade of PS.

ESP-74744Diabetes Information and Student/Course Downloads

Added the Diabetes Information district-defined page to track students with Diabetes and Diabetes Medication Administration Errors. This page will allow users with security OH-MAINT-DIABETES to enter the data per fiscal year. The data is reported in the Organization General (DN) record.

ESP-74680Student/Course Downloads

Added error check if the student has Disability Condition code 16, with state grade PS, and is younger than age three or older than age five (age six or over), as of the Effective End Date of the record or as of the Fiscal Year End Date for the district.

ESP-73093Graduation Requirements

Added the following lines to the Show Competency list in the Ohio-specific section of the Graduation Requirements report:

  • Retook but Did Not Pass Math Exam
  • Retook but Did Not Pass English Exam
  • IEP Exemption - Math
  • IEP Exemption - English
  • State-Issued License for Practice in a Vocation
  • SAT or ACT Proficiency

The values reported will match what shows on the student’s Graduation Requirements page.

ESP-73092Graduation Requirements

Added the option to override if a student meets the Algebra 1 or English 2 requirements for alternate methods to the Show Competency panel.

Added the option to mark a student as having an IEP Exception for Math or English for alternate methods to the Show Competency panel.

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