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August 2021 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_19.11.38.0
  • ESP_20.4.31.0
  • ESP_21.4.8.0



Release Note

ESP-64823Student/Course Downloads

Updated the incorrect IRN number being used for the District IRN field for the Student Standing (FS) download.

ESP-64099Assessment Downloads

Updated the data retrieval process for the GA, GE, GX, and GN assessment downloads to improve performance and avoid timeout errors.

ESP-63186Assessment Downloads

Enabled the Student CTAE Testing (ASSESMENT_GY) assessment type for the Graduate (G) download period with March (D) as disabled.

ESP-63472EMIS Configuration

Updated the Calendar Type field as a not required/mandatory field.

ESP-59275CTE Assessment Updates

Retired CTE Program Code M2 (Family and Community Services).
Retired CTAE Tests LCL2 (Cosmetology) and LCL5 (Family and Community Services).
Retired Course Codes 172602 (Cosmetology) and 172605 (Family and Community Services).

Added CTAE Test EFV6 (Integrated Behavioral Health).
Added Course Code 072066 (Integrated Behavioral Health).

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