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April 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.4.0.0



Release Note

ESP-84763AIR/AASCD Pre-ID File

Corrected the processing where students who are currently enrolled in a building other than the one they were enrolled in on the Enroll As Of Date were being excluded from the report.

ESP-84388Upload/Download Definition, Run Upload

Updated the OH-FW upload interface for the EMIS Exiting Student Follow Up page with all fields in the data file. The upload previously only updated some of the fields on the page.

ESP-84316AIR/AASCD Pre-ID File

When generating the Pre-ID Files with the Assessment Type prompt set to either All or Alternative, students whose most recent record on the page (within the prompted date range, based on Outcome End Date and Outcome Begin Date) where IEP Test Type is not '~~~' and Special Ed Event Type is 'IIEP', 'RIEP', 'TIEP', 'CIEP', 'NIEP' , or 'AIEP' should be included, if the IEP Type of that record matches the IEP Test Type for Alternate Assessments on the Pre-ID Configuration page.

ESP-83974Print Transcript

Updated processing to include Only CCP courses with a Location IRN Override on the EMIS Course page to append a location to the course name on the student’s transcript.

ESP-83962Print Transcript

Updated the CR03, CR04, CR05, CR06, CR07, and CR09 Industry Credential codes to be included in the Engineering, Manufacturing, and Transportation career paths.

ESP-83834EMIS Gifted - For Search/Filter use only

Renamed the older EMIS Gifted screen from EMIS Gifted - Old Layout to EMIS Gifted - For Search/Filter use only.

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