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School Safety and the Educational Climate (SSEC) Report Mapping

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The following sections detail the eSchoolPlus data sources for the SSEC report totals.

Part 1: Dignity for All Student Act (DASA) and Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting (VADIR)

Rows a through mm of the report analyze types of discipline incidents in terms of student demographic categories, additional factors like weapons or substance abuse/possession, incident location and time of day, affiliation to the school, gang presence, and follow-up actions.

Specifically, eSchoolPlus filters the report columns based on State Code Equivs from the Incident Codes Discipline validation table. The report gets to the State Code Equiv through the Incident code assigned to the discipline incident (disc_incident.incident_code). 

The report columns filter on State Code Equivs as follows.

SSEC Column

SSEC Incident Type

eSchoolPlus State Code Equiv (Incident Codes Discipline validation table)





Forcible Sex Offenses



Other Sex Offenses



Assault with Physical Injury



Assault with Serious Physical Injury



Weapons Possession Only – Routine Security Check



Weapons Possession Only – Other



Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying – All Excluding Cyberbullying






Bomb Threat



False Alarm


8)Threat of School Violence (Other than Bomb Threat or False Alarm)OTHER


Use, Possession, or Sale of Drugs



Use, Possession, or Sale of Alcohol


Part 1's rows a through mm further filter each incident type as follows.


Where in eSchoolPlus?

a) Total Number of Incidents

Total discipline incidents with an Incident code (disc_incident_incident_code) mapping to the State Code Equiv (disc_incident_code.state_code_equiv) defined for the report column.

b) Total Number of Biased-Related Incidents

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y and screen_type = I for the screen_number and field_number defined in the SSEC Setup district-level district-defined page's Bias Related Screen and Bias Related Field.

c) Race

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 1 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Race.)

d) Ethnic Group

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 2 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Ethnic Group.)

e) National Origin

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 3 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select National Origin.)

f) Color

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 4 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Color.)

g) Religion

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 5 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Religion.)

h) Religious Practices

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 6 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Religious Practice.)

i) Disability

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 7 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Disability.)

j) Gender

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 8 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Gender.)

k) Sexual Orientation

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 9 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Sexual Orientation.)

l) Sex

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 10 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Sex.)

m) Weight

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 11 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Weight.)

n) Other

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = I, screen_number = 1001 and field_number = 12 (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA, and then select Other.)

o) Gang or Group Related

Count of the column's reported incidents where the Gang Related box is checked (disc_incident.gang_related).

p) Total Number of Incidents Not Involving a Weapon

Count of the column's reported incidents with no record in disc_off_weapon.

q) Total Number of Incidents Involving Weapons

Count of all incidents for the report column where incident has a weapon reported in the Offender Weapon table (disc_off_weapon).

q1) Number Reported in row q that Involved Firearms

Count of all incidents for the report column where incident has a weapon reported with disc_off_weapon.weapon_code mapping to disctb_weapon.state_code_equiv = RIFLE or HANDGUN.

q2) Number Reported in row q that Involved Knives

Count of all incidents for the report column where incident has a weapon reported with disc_off_weapon.weapon_code mapping to disctb_weapon.state_code_equiv = KNIVES.

q3) Number Reported in row q that Involved Other Weapons

For each column, calculate as follows: q – (q1 + q2)

r) Number of Incidents Involving Alcohol

Count of reported incidents for the column where an offender has a Drug code (disc_off_drug.drug_code) that maps to a disctb_drug record with state_code_equiv = ALCOHOL.

s) Number of Incidents Involving Drugs

Count of reported incidents for the column where an offender has a Drug code (disc_off_drug.drug_code) that maps to a disctb_drug record with state_code_equiv = DRUG.

t) Incident On School Property (including on school transportation)

Count of the column's reported incidents where disc_incident.location maps to disctb_location where state_code_equiv = INSCHOOL or INSCHOOLTRANS.

u) Incident At School Function Off Grounds

Count of the column's reported incidents where disc_incident.location maps to disctb_location where state_code_equiv = OFFGROUND.

v) Incident Off School Property (that creates a risk of disruption within the school environment)

Count of the column's reported incidents where disc_incident.location maps to disctb_location where state_code_equiv = OUTSCHOOL.

w) Of incidents reported in Row (t) above, report the number that occurred on School Transportation

Count of the column's reported incidents where disc_incident.location maps to disctb_location where state_code_equiv = INSCHOOLTRANS.

x) Incidents During Regular School Hours

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value does not equal Y and screen_type = I for the screen_number and field_number defined in the SSEC Setup district-level district-defined page's Before/After School page and Before/After School Field.

y) Incidents Before or After Regular School Hours

Total discipline incidents for the report column where disc_user.field_value = Y and screen_type = I for the screen_number and field_number defined in the SSEC Setup district-level district-defined page's Before/After School Screen and Before/After School Field.

z) Number of Student Targets/Victims

Count where disc_victim.is_student = Y, and total the count for all the column's reported incidents.

aa) Number of Staff Targets/Victims

Count where disc_victim.is_student = N, and person_id maps to disc_non_student.non_student_id where staff_member = Y. Total this count for all the column's reported incidents.

bb) Number of "Other" Targets/Victims

Count where disc_victim.is_student = N, and person_id maps to disc_non_student.non_student_id where staff_members = N. Total this count for all the column's reported incidents.

cc) Number of Student Offenders

Count where disc_offender.is_student = Y, and total the count for all the column's reported incidents.

dd) Number of Staff Offenders

Count where disc_offender.is_student = N, and person_id maps to disc_non_student.non_student_id where staff_member = Y. Total this count for all the column's reported incidents.

ee) Number of "Other" Offenders

Count where disc_offender.is_student = N, and person_id maps to disc_non_student.non_student_id where staff_members = N. Total this count for all the column's reported incidents.

ff) Counseling or Treatment Programs

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = COUNSEL.

gg) Teacher Removal (Section 3214)

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = TEAREMOVE.

hh) In School Suspension

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = SUSPCLASS.

ii) Out-of-School Suspension

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = OUTSCHOOL.

jj) Involuntary Transfer to an Alternative Placement

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = XFERALTED.

kk) Community Service

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = COMMUNITY.

ll) Juvenile Justice Or Criminal Justice System

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = JUVENILE.

mm) Law Enforcement

For the columns' reported incidents, count the number of student offenders with disc_off_action.action_code mapping to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv = LAWENFORCE.

nn) Number of Unduplicated Student Offenders for Serious Incidents

Total of unique person_ids in disc_offender where is_student = Y for discipline incidents mapping to disc_incident_code.state_code_equiv = HOMICIDE, FORCIBLE, OTHERSEX, ASSAULT, PHYSINJ, WEAPSCRN, OTHERWEAP, CYABS, or CYTHR.

Part 2: Victims of Violent Criminal Offenses and Unsafe School Transfers

The totals in Part 2 are calculated from eSchoolPlus as follows.


Where in eSchoolPlus?

a) During the current school year, how many students were determined by the Superintendent of Schools or Charter School Leader to have been a victim of a violent criminal offense pursuant to the Every Student Succeeds Act (regardless of when the offense took place)? 

First, get a count of incidents where disc_user.screen_type = I and field_value = Y for the screen_number and field_number identified in NY SSEC Setup page's Victim Violent Criminal Screen and Victim Violent Criminal Field.

Then, for those incidents, get the count of student victims (disc_victim records where is_student = Y for the identified incident_ids).

Log warning if the Screen and Field from NY SSEC Setup page are not defined as a discipline incident district-defined field.

b) Of students in part a) how many students requested transfer to another district school, including a charter school?

Count of students from field a) who have the Request to Transfer box checked on the NY-Transfer victim district-defined page (disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = V, screen_number = 300, and field_number = 1).

c) Of the students in part b) how many accepted the transfer to another district school, including a charter school?

Count of students from field b) who have the Accepted Transfer box checked on the NY-Transfer victim district-defined page (disc_user.field_value = Y where screen_type = V, screen_number = 300, and field_number = 2).

d) Was the school on the list of persistently dangerous schools during the current school year?

Mark "X" in "Yes" column if reg_user_building.field_value = Y where screen_number = 300 and field_number = 1 for the building being reported. (Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > NY-Persistently Dangerous)

e) If the School was identified as persistently dangerous during the current school year, how many students requested to transfer to a safe school, including a charter school, within the district or LEA?

If field d) is marked as Yes, then report the count from field b).

f) Of the students in part e) how many accepted the transfer offer and enrolled in another school?

If field d) is marked as Yes, then report the count from field c).

Part 3: Police or Safety Officer in the School


Where in eSchoolPlus?

Is there a Police Officer Present?

Mark "X" in "Yes" column if reg_user_building.field_value = Y for the building district-defined page and field identified in NY SSEC Setup's Police Officer Present Screen and Police Officer Present Field. Otherwise, mark "X" in the "No" column for the building.

Log warning if the Screen and Field from NY SSEC Setup page are not defined as a building district-defined field.

Part 4: School-Related Arrests


Where in eSchoolPlus?

Total Number of School-Related Arrests

For the reported building, get the count of disc_offender.police_action codes mapping to disctb_police_act.state_code_equiv = ARREST.

Part 5: Weapon Type and Fire-Arms-Related Offenses and Suspensions

Part 5 shows discipline incident totals related to student firearm use. The report distinguishes between general education students and students with disabilities. The report counts a student as disabled if the student has a Disability Code on the student Emergency page's Disabilities tab with an active date coinciding with the reported discipline incident.
Otherwise, the student counts in the general education column. 


Where in eSchoolPlus?

a) Incidents involving handguns

Count each time a student offender has a Weapons record in disc_off_weapon where weapon_code maps to disctb_weapon.state_code_equiv = HANDGUN

Use disc_off_weapon.incident_id and offender fields to find the corresponding disc_offender record. Only count the offender if is_student = Y

b) Incidents involving rifle or shotgun

Count each time a student offender has a Weapons record in disc_off_weapon where weapon_code maps to disctb_weapon.state_code_equiv = RIFLE

Use disc_off_weapon.incident_id and offender fields to find the corresponding disc_offender record. Only count the offender if is_student = Y

c) Incidents involving other (any firearm other than a handgun, rifle, or shotgun)

Count each time a student offender has a Weapons record in disc_off_weapon where weapon_code maps to disctb_weapon.state_code_equiv = OTHERFIRE

Use disc_off_weapon.incident_id and offender fields to find the corresponding disc_offender record. Only count the offender if is_student = Y

d) Incidents involving multiple (Use of more than one of the above)

Count each time a student offender has a Weapons record in disc_off_weapon where weapon_code maps to disctb_weapon.state_code_equiv = MULTIFIRE

Use disc_off_weapon.incident_id and offender fields to find the corresponding disc_offender record. Only count the offender if is_student = Y

e) Total firearm incidents

Total of a), b), c), and d).

The remaining rows track the number of disciplinary actions taken of each indicated type for the offenders counted in Row e).

f) Suspended for one year (180 school days) and provided instruction (including alternative placement)

Use disc_off_action.incident_id and offender for all student offenders included in row e). Get a count of all students meeting both of the following criteria:

  • Disc_off_action.action_code maps to disctb_off_action.state_code_equiv = XFERALTED or SUSPCLASS
  • Disc_off_action.actual_duration >= 180

g) Suspended for one year (180 school days) and not provided instruction (including alternative placement)

Use disc_off_action.incident_id and offender for all student offenders included in row e). Get a count of all students meeting both of the following criteria:

  • Disc_off_action.action_code maps to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv is either null OR does not equal any of the following: XFERALTED, SUSPCLASS, NOSUSREM, or NODISCFIRE
  • Disc_off_action.actual_duration >= 180

h) Suspension modified to less than one year (180 school days) and provided instruction (including alternative placement)

Use disc_off_action.incident_id and offender for all student offenders included in row e). Get a count of all students meeting both of the following criteria:

  • Disc_off_action.action_code maps to disctb_off_action.state_code_equiv = XFERALTED or SUSPCLASS
  • Disc_off_action.actual_duration < 180
  • Disc_off_action.schd_duration >= 180

i) Suspension modified to less than one year (180 school days) and not provided instruction (including alternative placement)

Use disc_off_action.incident_id and offender for all student offenders included in row e). Get a count of all students meeting both of the following criteria:

  • Disc_off_action.action_code maps to disctb_off_action where state_code_equiv is either null OR does not equal any of the following: XFERALTED, SUSPCLASS, NOSUSREM, or NODISCFIRE
  • Disc_off_action.actual_duration < 180
  • Disc_off_action.schd_duration >= 180

j) Received no suspension because the student was removed for other reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration

Use disc_off_action.incident_id and offender for all student offenders included in row e). Get a count of all students where disc_off_action.action_code maps to disctb_off_action.state_code_equiv = NOSUSREM.

k) Received a different disciplinary action (this should be rare)

Use disc_off_action.incident_id and offender for all student offenders included in row e). Get a count of all students where a disc_off_action record exists and the action_code maps to a disctb_off_action record with no state_code_equiv.

l) Received no disciplinary action (this should be extremely rare)

Use disc_off_action.incident_id and offender for all student offenders included in row e). Get a count of all students where disc_off_action.action_code maps to disctb_off_action.state_code_equiv = NODISCFIRE.

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