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NY State Information - District

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select District Defined. Choose New York State Information.

Use this page to set up values for inclusion in the Student Credit GPA template.



Minimum Possible GPA Value

Minimum GPA possible in your district's GPA scale. You can enter nine digits, five of which follow the decimal. Enter the value as it should be reported in the Student Credit GPA file.

Maximum Possible GPA Value

Maximum GPA possible in your district's GPA scale. You can enter nine digits, five of which follow the decimal. Enter the value as it should be reported in the Student Credit GPA file.

Student Credit GPA Comment

Information your district would like to provide related to how student GPA is calculated or what gets included in the calculation. [Character/255]

Contract Work Days Default

Number of work days the staff person is expected to work in the LEA based on the staff contract or appointment.

New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) image name to be used when generating the student transcript.
Student Att Exclude Entry CodeComma-separated entry codes. The codes entered in this field will exclude the students whose entry codes (in the Entry/Withdrawal page) are matching from the Student Daily Attendance download.
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