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Working with Submission Files

The NJ SMART Submissions File will create the NJ Submission File Log. This log file will include the count of records included as well as prompt information. The NJ SMART Submissions File will create a .csv file for you to upload to the state.

Your Log File will be named NJ Submission File Log and will contain any errors that were encountered during processing.

  • Your NJ Smart Pre-ID Extract File will be named: NJSmart_PREID_<School Year – 1>-<SchoolYear>yymmddhhmmss.csv
  • Your Special Ed NJSmart Extract File will be named: NJSmart_SLD_Dec1 <School Year – 1>-< SchoolYear>yymmddhhmmss.csv
  • Your NJSmart SID Extract File will be named: NJSmart_SID <School Year – 1>-< SchoolYear>yymmddhhmmss.csv
  • Your NJSmart State Submission Extract File will be named: NJSmart_State_Submission <School Year – 1>-< SchoolYear>yymmddhhmmss.csv

Because it is a .csv file – it will prompt you to "Save" or "Open" when you click on the file. The best option is to click "Save" & then once it's saved – click – Open, it will open in Excel. When you open a .csv file in Excel it does not show you any leading 0's. DO NOT WORRY – they are in the file, they just aren't displaying in Excel. If you want to verify they really exist, it is best to right click on the file & say Open With Notepad. Then you will see the leading 0's.

Once the Files are created you can right click and choose "Save Target As" and choose the directory where you want to save the file.

You MUST Name your Files the following (According to state documents):

  • For 2018/2019 Year file: NJSMART_SLD_EOY_2019.csv
  • For Dec 1 Submission: NJSMART_SLD_Dec1_2019.csv 

Once the file is saved to your PC – it is ready for processing & uploading to the Data Dashboard.

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