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NJ SMART State Submission File Layout

For the NJ SMART State Data submission file, the following table shows the STATE field numbers, field names, the eSchoolPlus Tables and Columns, and database sources.

Position in file / NJ DOE Number

Field Name

Where in eSchoolPlus



Local Identification Number

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Student ID field (reg.student_id)



State Identification Number

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: State ID field (reg_personal.state_report_id)


10-digit state identification number.


First Name

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: First Name field (reg.first_name)


Periods are not allowed. The file does accept apostrophes and hyphens.


Last Name

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Last Name field (reg.last_name)


Periods are not allowed. The file does accept apostrophes and hyphens.


Date Of Birth

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Birth Date field (reg.birthdate)




City Of Residence

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Addresses. You must select Addresses panel: City field (

The submission finds the appropriate reg_contact record for the student first by determining the student's contact_id in reg_stu_contact. To do so, it looks for the appropriate student_id and contact_type = P.


Mandatory for all students, except for Non-public students, preschool referral students, and shared time 
vocational school students being reported by the vocational school.

If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur.

If punctuation is included in an error will occur.


Migrant Status

If this is program-tracked for the student, the submission takes the reg_programs.value based on the program_id and field_number from reg_programs_column where state_code_equiv=NJMIG.

If the value is not program-tracked, the value comes from Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal: Migrant field (reg_personal.migrant).


Values are Y (for Yes) or N (for No). If the student does not have a Migrant Status, the submission file uses the default value of N.

If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur.


Eighth Technological Literacy

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Eighth Technological Literacy field (nj_v_stu_health.eighth_tech_literacy). This is Field 13 on Student district-defined page 990.

Required if student's Grade Level = 08. Otherwise, leave blank.

Valid codes are as follows:

Y – Deemed technologically proficient

N – Not technologically proficient

NE – Not evaluated for technological proficiency


Health Insurance Status

Calculated based on NJ DOE field number 36, Health Insurance Provider.


Y – Yes, student has health insurance

N – No, student does not have health insurance coverage


Health Insurance Provider

The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJINS. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value.

This program-tracked field is also linked to the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Emergency: Insurance Company field (reg_emergency.insurance_company).


An error occurs if this field has a value but Health Insurance Status is N for No.


Home Language

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Native Language field (reg.native_language). Converted to State Code Equiv from menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select New Jersey State Reporting and for Validation Table, select Native Language (njtb_native_lang.state_code_equiv where reg.native_language = njtb_native_lang.code)


Mandatory for all students except for Non-public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. 

If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur.


Immigrant Status

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Immigrant Status field. This is Field 13 on Student district-defined page 990.

(The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJIMM. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value).

Required if the student's Country of Birth is not one of the following: US (United States), AS (American Samoa), FM (Federated States of Micronesia), GU (Guam), MH (Marshall Islands), MP (Northern Mariana Islands), PW (Palau), PR (Puerto Rico), or VI (Virgin Islands). 

The setting cannot be Y for Yes if District Entry Date is more than three years ago. Refer to the District Entry Date field for information on how this is determined for each student.


First Entry Date into a US School

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: US Enrollment Date field (reg.us_enroll_date)

Required if Immigrant Status is Y for Yes.




Calculated based on reg_programs.value for the program_id and field_number from reg_program_columns with state_code_equiv = NJHOME


If the student has a program vector in the current school year for NJHOME program_id and field_number, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise, it is N for No.

In eSchoolPlus, you can review the field associated with the NJHOME state code equivalent as follows: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal: Homeless Status.


Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence

reg_programs.value for the program_id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJHOME in reg_programs_column.

You can view this value in the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Homeless Status field.

This field is validated based on the Homeless Status validation table: menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select Registration and for Validation Table, select Homeless Status.

Required if Homeless is Y for Yes.

For a list of the valid codes, refer to the most recent NJ DOE State Submission Student Data Handbook.


Alternative Education Program

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Alternative Education field. This is Field 14 on Student district-defined page 990.

(The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJALT. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value).


Mandatory for all students except for Non-Public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school.

If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur.


Title I Science

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Title 1 Science field. This is Field 15 on Student district-defined page 990.

(The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJT1SC. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value).


If a program vector exists in the prompted school year for the student, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise it is N for No.

The school year start and end dates are the first and last non-summer school membership days for that year.


Title I Math

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Title 1 Math field. This is Field 16 on Student district-defined page 990.

(The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJT1MA. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value).


If a program vector exists in the prompted school year for the student, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise it is N for No.

The school year start and end dates are the first and last non-summer school membership days for that year.


Title I Language

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Title 1 Language field. This is Field 17 on Student district-defined page 990.

(The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJT1LA. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value).


If a program vector exists in the prompted school year for the student, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise it is N for No.

The school year start and end dates are the first and last non-summer school membership days for that year.

20/414Remote Days Absent


Mandatory for all students, except for non-public and preschool referral students, at any point of submission.  

The extended school year is included in Remote Days Absent up to June 30th and only when it is required for all students. Summer school is not included in Remote Days Absent.

The value of this element cannot be greater than the value of Number Of Days Absent.

21/21School Status


If multiple matching records (same Submitting District, SID Number, Local ID, First Name, Last Name, and Date Of Birth) are submitted by an LEA have a SchoolStatus = Active or A an error will occur.

All students with a SchoolStatus = Inactive or I require a SchoolExitDate, SchoolExitWithdrawalCode, NumberofDaysPresent, NumberofDaysAbsent, NumberofStateExcusedAbsences, RemoteDaysPresent, and RemoteAbsent or an error will occur.

22/395School Entry Code


Mandatory for all students, except for non-public and preschool referral students. 

If Status = Active or A and field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur.

Codes must conform to NJDOE codes or an error will occur.

23/396Days Open


Mandatory for all students in grades Kindergarten through 12, except for non-public and preschool referral students.


For students in preschool grade levels.

If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur.

24/115Number of Days Present


Mandatory for all inactive students, except for non-public and preschool referral students, at any point of submission.

Mandatory for all students, except for Non-Public and preschool referral students, after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot.


For the Fall Snapshot for active students. 

If Status = Inactive or I, student must have NumberOfDaysPresent filled in as of the last day in membership unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred.

25/397Number of Days Absent


Mandatory for all inactive students, except for non-public and preschool referral students, at any point of submission.

Mandatory for all students, except for Non-Public and preschool referral students, after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot.


For the Fall Snapshot for active students. 

If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur.


Number of State Excused Absences


Mandatory for all students, except for non-public and preschool referral students. 

If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur.

27/434Reported Shared Voc


A value of Y should only be reported by county vocational schools to report data for shared-time vocational school students.

For all schools that are not county vocational schools, a value of N should be reported. 

If field is left blank or if ReportedSharedVoc = Y and Enrollment Type = F and District Code Submitting is not a county vocational school an error will occur.

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