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NJ SMART Special Education Submission File Layout

The following table shows the NJ DOE field numbers, field names, the eSchoolPlus Table/Column data sources for the NJ SMART Special Education submission file.

Position in file/ NJ DOE Number

Field Name

Where in eSchoolPlus



Local Identification Number

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: Student ID field (reg.student_id)



State Identification Number

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal: State ID field (reg_personal.state_report_id)


10-digit state identification number.


First Name

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: First Name field (reg.first_name)


Periods are not allowed. The file does accept apostrophes and hyphens.


Last Name

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: Last Name field (reg.last_name)


Periods are not allowed. The file does accept apostrophes and hyphens.


Date of Birth

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration: Birth Date field (reg.birthdate)




Referral Date

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Event Start Date field (nj_v_spec_ed.event_start_date where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = REFDATE)

Required if the student's Eligibility Determination Date is after June 30, 2010.



Parental Consent To Evaluate Date

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Event Start Date field (nj_v_spec_ed.event_start_date where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = PARCONSDATE)

Required if the student's Eligibility Determination Date is after June 30, 2010.



Eligibility Determination Date

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Event Start Date field (nj_v_spec_ed.event_start_date where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = ELIGDETDATE)

Required if the student's Eligibility Determination Date is after June 30, 2010.


If an initial eligibility determination has not been made yet, leave this field blank for the student.

The student requires either an Eligibility Determination Date or a Reevaluation Date if one of the following is true:

  • An Initial IEP Meeting Date is listed
  • A Special Education Classification is listed.
  • An Annual IEP Review Meeting Date is listed.

A Special Education Placement is listed.

An error will occur if the student's required dates do not follow this sequence:

Date of Birth + 2 years ≤ Referral Date ≤ Parental Consent To Evaluate Date < Eligibility Determination Date ≤ Initial IEP Meeting Date ≤ Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP < Annual IEP Review Meeting Date


Early Intervention

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Process Delay Rsn field (nj_v_spec_ed.delay_rsn where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = EARLYINTERV)

Required if the student turned age 3 between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011.

Valid values are as follows:

Y = Yes. Student was receiving Part C Early Intervention Services

N = No. Student was not receiving Part C Early Intervention Services


Initial IEP Meeting Date

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Event Start Date field (nj_v_spec_ed.event_start_date where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = INITIALMETDATE)

Required if the student's Initial IEP Meeting Date is after June 30, 2010.


If an eligibility determination has not been made yet, leave this field blank for the student.

If the student has an Initial IEP Meeting Date, the submission record will also require an Eligibility Determination Date.

An error will occur if the student's required dates do not follow this sequence:

Date of Birth + 2 years ≤ Referral Date < Parental Consent To Evaluate Date < Eligibility Determination Date ≤ Initial IEP Meeting Date ≤ Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP < Annual IEP Review Meeting Date


Parental Consent Obtained

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Process Delay Rsn field (nj_v_spec_ed.delay_rsn where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = PRTCONIMPIEP)

Required if the student's Eligibility Determination Date is after June 30, 2010.

Valid values are as follows:

Y = Yes. Parental consent was obtained to implement the IEP.

N = No. Parental consent to implement the initial IEP was not obtained prior to the snapshot date.

R = Refused. Parent refused implementation of the initial IEP.

If no eligibility determination has been made for the student, leave this field blank.

If this field is N, R, or blank for a student, the Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP field must be blank.


Parental Consent To Implement Initial IEP

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Event Start Date field (nj_v_spec_ed.event_start_date where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = PRTCONIMPIEPDATE)

Required if parental consent has been obtained for the student.


If Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP date is after the student's 3rd birthday, then there must also be a value for Initial Process Delay Reason.

An error is issued in the following cases:

  • This date is after the snapshot date of October 15.
  • This date is empty when Eligibility Determination Date is after June 30, 2010 and Parental Consent Obtained is Y.
  • This date is filled in but Parental Consent Obtained is N, R or blank.
  • The required dates do not follow this sequence: Date of Birth + 2 years ≤ Referral Date < Parental Consent To Evaluate Date < Eligibility Determination Date ≤ Initial IEP Meeting Date ≤ Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP < Annual IEP Review Meeting Date


Annual IEP Review Meeting Date

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Event Start Date field (nj_v_spec_ed.event_start_date where nj_v_spec_ed.se_event = RECMETDATE)

Required if the student has a valid IEP as of the snapshot date.


If eligibility determination has not been made yet, leave this field blank.

If the Initial IEP Meeting Date is the only meeting date, leave this field blank.

An error is issued in the following cases:

  • This date is after the snapshot date of October 15.
  • This date is listed for the student but the submission record does not have either an Eligibility Determination Date or a Reevaluation Date. One of these dates is required if the student has an Annual IEP Review Meeting Date.
  • The required dates do not follow this sequence: Date of Birth + 2 years ≤ Referral Date < Parental Consent To Evaluate Date < Eligibility Determination Date ≤ Initial IEP Meeting Date ≤ Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP < Annual IEP Review Meeting Date


Special Education Classification

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs: Program-tracked field with State Equivalent of NJCLASS (Look in reg.programs.value for the program_id and field_number where reg_program_column.state_code_equiv = NJCLASS.)

Required for all students evaluated for special education eligibility.

Valid codes are in the range of 00 to 12, and 14 to 17.

For a complete listing of the codes and descriptions, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education Special Education Student Data Handbook.

Leave this field blank if the student's eligibility has not been determined yet.

If a student has been evaluated and determined ineligible, use code 00. This code should only be used for this purpose.

Ineligible students must have a value for one of the following fields: Referral Date, Parental Consent to Evaluate Date, or Eligibility Determination Date.

The submission file should not include students who were in special education at one point but have since been declassified as such. If the student has a Special Education Classification listed, the submission record also requires either an Eligibility Determination Date or a Reevaluation Date.

An error results if the student has a Special Education Placement value but no Special Education Classification. Note that Special Education Classification code 13 (Social Maladjustment) is no longer a valid value.

Eligible students age 3 and 4 may only have a Special Education Classification of 12 (Preschool Child with a Disability). Students age 6 and above cannot have Special Education Classification of 12.

An error results if any of the data elements in the range of 59 to 63 (related services) has a value, but Special Education Classification is blank.


Reevaluation Date

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = REEVALDATE)

Required for all students who have been reevaluated.


If the student has an Initial Eligibility Date but has not been reevaluated yet, this field should be blank.

The student requires either an Eligibility Determination Date or a Reevaluation Date in each of the following cases:

  • An Initial IEP Meeting Date is listed.
  • A Special Education Classification is listed.
  • An Annual IEP Review Meeting Date is listed.
  • A Special Education Placement is listed.


Initial Process Delay Reason

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = PROCESSDELAYRSN)

Required for all students who have an Eligibility Determination Date after the required due date. For more information on due date requirements, refer to the section on the NJ SMART Special Education page earlier in this guide.

Required if the student transitions from Early Intervention (Part C) and has a Consent to Implement the IEP Date later than the child's 3rd birthday.

For a complete listing of the codes and descriptions, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education Special Education Student Data Handbook.

Do not report a delay reason if the student moved out of district prior to completing the initial IEP evaluation.

An error results if the following conditions all apply to the student's submission record:

  • The student is 6 to 21 years of age.
  • Eligibility Determination Date is more than 90 days from Parental Consent to Evaluate Date.
  • Parental Consent to Evaluate Date occurred after June 30, 2010.
  • Initial Process Delay Reason is blank.

An error results if the following conditions all apply to the submission record:

  • The Referral Date is after June 30, 2010 and before the student's 3rd birthday.
  • The Parental Consent to Implement Date is after the student's 3rd birthday.
  • Initial Process Delay Reason is blank.

If the student is younger than three years of age as of the Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP date, then the Initial Process Delay Reason must be blank.

 The Initial Process Delay Reason is required if the following circumstances apply to the student:

  • The student is younger than three years of age as of the Referral Date.
  • The Parental Consent to Implement Initial IEP date is blank.
  • The student is three years of age or older as of the October 15 snapshot date.

If the student is age 6-21 and the Eligibility Determination Date is 90 days or less from the Parental Consent to Evaluate Date, then the Initial Process Delay Reason must be left blank.

If the student is age 6-21 and the Parental Consent to Evaluate Date is more than 90 days from the October 15 snapshot date, then Initial Process Delay Reason is required.

 If the student is four years of age or older, the following Initial Process Delay Reason codes are invalid and will result in an error: 09, 10, 11, and 13.

If the student is younger than six years of age or older than 21 years of age, an error results for an Initial Process Delay Reason code of 08.


Special Education Placement

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = PLACE)

Required for all students with a valid IEP as of the October 15 snapshot date.

For a complete listing of the codes and descriptions, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education Special Education Student Data Handbook. Also use this source for information on determining a student's time in presence of regular education students.

If the student is not classified as special education eligible, leave this field blank.

If Parental Consent Obtained is N or R, then Special Education Placement must be blank.

If the student has a Special Education Placement listed, then the submission record also requires either an Eligibility Determination Date or a Reevaluation Date.

An error results if the student is under 6 years old or over 22 years old, but a Special Education Placement code is listed in the range from 09 to 17.

An error results if the student is over 6 years old, but a Special Education Placement code is listed of 04-08, 18, or 19.


Time In Regular Program

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: Time In Regular Program field (nj_v_spec_ed.time_in_regular_program)

Required for all students who have a Special Education Placement code of 18 or 19.

Valid entries are formatted in half-hour intervals (for example, 6.5 for six-and-a-half hours or 7 for seven hours).

An error results if Special Education Placement has a value of 18 or 19 and Time in Regular Program is blank.

If Time in Regular Program has a value, Special Education Placement must have a value of 18 or 19.

The hours spent in a regular early childhood/kindergarten program should be calculated for each child. This should not include time spent away from the regular classroom receiving special education services.


Counseling Services

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = SERV_COUN)

Required for all students with a valid IEP as of the October 15 snapshot date.

If the Begin Date is blank for the student, then the five "Services" fields will also be blank, or the default value of N – No is used.

Leave this field blank if the student is not classified as special education eligible or has not yet received an eligibility determination.

If Parental Consent Obtained is N or R, then Counseling Services must be blank.

If Counseling Services is Y for Yes, then the student needs a value for each of the following fields:

  • Eligibility Determination Date or Reevaluation Date
  • Special Education Classification
  • Special Education Placement


Occupational Therapy Services

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = SERV_OCC)

Required for all students with a valid IEP as of the October 15 snapshot date.

Valid values are Y for Yes or N for No.

If the student is not classified as special education eligible or has not yet received an eligibility determination, leave this field blank.

If Parental Consent Obtained is N or R, then Occupational Therapy Services must be blank.

If Occupational Therapy Services is Y for Yes, then the student needs a value for each of the following fields:

  • Eligibility Determination Date or Reevaluation Date
  • Special Education Classification
  • Special Education Placement


Physical Therapy Services

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = SERV_PHYS)

Required for all students with a valid IEP as of the October 15 snapshot date.

Valid values are Y for Yes or N for No.

If the student is not classified as special education eligible or has not yet received an eligibility determination, leave this field blank.

If Parental Consent Obtained is N or R, then Physical Therapy Services must be blank.

If Physical Therapy Services is Y for Yes, then the student needs a value for each of the following fields:

  • Eligibility Determination Date or Reevaluation Date
  • Special Education Classification
  • Special Education Placement


Speech Language Therapy Services

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = SERV_SPE)

Required for all students with a valid IEP as of the October 15 snapshot date.

Valid values are Y for Yes or N for No.

If the student is not classified as special education eligible or has not yet received an eligibility determination, leave this field blank.

If Parental Consent Obtained is N or R, then Speech Language Therapy Services must be blank.

If Speech Language Therapy Services is Y for Yes, then the student needs a value for each of the following fields:

  • Eligibility Determination Date or Reevaluation Date
  • Special Education Classification
  • Special Education Placement


Other Related Services

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > NJ Smart Special Education: SE Event field (nj_v_spec_ed. se_event = SERV_OTHR)

Required for all students with a valid IEP as of the October 15 snapshot date.

Valid values are Y for Yes or N for No.

If the student is not classified as special education eligible or has not yet received an eligibility determination, leave this field blank.

If Parental Consent obtained is N or R, then other Related Services must be blank.

If other Related Services is Y for Yes, then the student needs a value for each of the following fields:

  • Eligibility Determination Date or Reevaluation Date
  • Special Education Classification
  • Special Education Placement
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