NJ SMART SID File Layout
For the NJ SMART SID submission file, the following table shows the New Jersey Department of Education field numbers, field names, the eSchoolPlus Tables and Columns, and database table sources.
Position in file/ NJ DOE Number | Field Name | Where in eSchoolPlus | Notes |
1/1 | Local Identification Number | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Student ID field (reg.student_id) | Required |
2/2 | State Identification Number | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: State ID field (reg_personal.state_report_id) | Required 10-digit state identification number. |
3/3 | First Name | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: First Name field (reg.first_name) | Required Periods are not allowed. The file does accept apostrophes and hyphens. |
4/4 | Middle Name | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Middle Name field (reg.middle_name) | Optional Periods are not allowed. The file does accept apostrophes and hyphens. |
5/5 | Last Name | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Last Name field (reg.last_name) | Required Periods are not allowed. The file does accept apostrophes and hyphens. |
6/6 | Generation Code Suffix | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Generation field (reg.generation). Converted to State Code Equiv from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select Registration and for Validation Table, select Generations (regtb_generation.state_code_equiv where reg.generation = regtb_generation.code) | Optional |
7/7 | Gender | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Gender field (reg.gender) | Required Values are M or F. |
8/8 | Date of Birth | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Birth Date field (reg.birthdate) | Required YYYYMMDD format |
9/9 | City of Birth | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: City of Birth field (reg_personal.birth_city) | Required for students born in the United States. Optional for foreign-born students. No punctuation allowed. The log file creates a warning for a student with a blank City of Birth if the Country code is the state code equivalent for one of the following: AS, FM, GU, MH, MP, PW, PR, VI or US. If the student is missing both City of Birth and Country of Birth, an error message is created in the log file, and the student is not included in the submission file. |
10/10 | State of Birth | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: State of Birth field (reg_personal.birth_state) | Required for students born in the United States. Must be blank for foreign-born students, except those born in one of the following countries: AS (American Samoa), FM (Federated States of Micronesia), GU (Guam), MH (Marshall Islands), MP (Northern Mariana Islands), PW (Palau), PR (Puerto Rico), or VI (Virgin Islands). If the student's Country of Birth is the state code equivalent for one of the listed countries but the State of Birth field is blank, a warning is reported in the submission's log file. If a student is missing both State and Country of Birth, an error is reported in the log file, and the student is not included in the submission. For information on valid codes, refer to the most recent New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
11/11 | Country of Birth | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Country of Birth field (reg_personal.birth_country) | Required for all foreign-born students. If a student is missing State, City, and Country of Birth, an error is generated in the submission log file, and the student is not included in the actual submission file. Based on the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook, students are not considered foreign-born if they have one of the following as Country of Birth: US (United States), AS (American Samoa), FM (Federated States of Micronesia), GU (Guam), MH (Marshall Islands), MP (Northern Mariana Islands), PW (Palau), PR (Puerto Rico), or VI (Virgin Islands). |
12/13 | Ethnicity | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field (reg_personal.hispanic) | Required If Yes, report H = Hispanic or Latino – a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish background regardless of race. If No, report N = Not Hispanic or Latino |
13/14 | Race American Indian | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Race field (reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code). Calculation looks whether reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code= regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv of I for American Indian/Alaska Native. | Required Y = American Indian or Alaska Native – a person having origins tracing to the original inhabitants of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. N = Not American Indian or Alaska Native |
14/15 | Race Asian | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Race field (reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code). Calculation looks whether reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code= regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv of A for Asian. | Required Y = Asian – a person having origins in the Far East, or any Southeast Asian or Indian subcontinent. N = Not Asian |
15/16 | Race Black | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Race field (reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code). Calculation looks whether reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code= regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv of B for Black/ African American. | Required Y = Black or African American N = Not Black or African American |
16/17 | Race Pacific | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Race field (reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code). Calculation looks whether reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code= regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv of P for Pacific Islander. | Required Y = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander N = Not Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
17/18 | Race White | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Race field (reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code). Calculation looks whether reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code= regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv of W for White. | Required Y = White N = Not white |
18/21 | District Status | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal for the date range entered through the NJ Submission File option. | Required Values are A (Active) or I (Inactive). Graduated students will have a Status of A if you checked the Show Graduates as Graduated box. The submission file considers the student graduated based on a Withdrawal Code of L. A student is either an Active or Inactive student. Active students are those who are kept on the current roster of the district, including special education classified students who are “sent” to other districts or specialized placements. Inactive students are students who are no longer attending the district or have left for some reason. |
19/46 | Enrollment Type | Calculated based on NJ SMART Submission File option's Shared Time Students and Shared Time Codes fields. For more information, refer to the NJ SMART Processing section. | Required Valid values are as follows: F = Full-time (a student that is attending the school for more than one half of the school day) S = Shared-time (a student that is attending the school for one half of the school day or less) If Enrollment Type is Shared Time (S), then CDS (County, District, School) Attending codes must match a Vocational School code in the njtb_votechschool table. The Vocation School list contains a 9-digit code, which is a combination of CDS Attending codes from NJ DOE, and a state equivalent code. The submission file uses the default value of F if this is blank for a student, for instance if you selected No Shared Time Students when you generated the file. If Enrollment Type is 'F', the non-vocational school is based on Receiving and Attending CDS ( County, District, School) fields. |
20/22 | County Code Resident | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: County – Resident field. This is Field 1 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJRCNT. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses the Default County Code from the Run NJ SMART Submission File page. | Required This is the county where the student resides based on address. If the student is a resident of a state outside New Jersey or of another country, the value should be 99. This code needs to be set up in the County table (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select New Jersey State Reporting and for Validation Table, select County). For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
21/23 | District Code Resident | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Programs, You must select NJALT – Alternate Building: District of Residence field. This is field 2 on the Student district-defined page 0. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program_id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJDIS. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). or, If there is a State District Resident Code override, use the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: District – Resident (Override) field. This is Field 6 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJRDIS. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses reg_district.state_code_equiv | Required School district where the student resides based on address. If the student is a resident of a district in another state or country, this value should be 9999. For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
22/24 | School Code Resident | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Programs, You must select NJALT – Alternate Building: Alternate Building field. This is Field 1 on Student district-defined page 0. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program_id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJALT. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). or, If there is a State School Resident Code override, use the menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: School – Resident (Override) field. This is Field 4 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJRBLD. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses reg_building.state_code_equiv for the appropriate reg_entry_with.building from the student's Entry/Withdrawal record. | Required School the student would attend based on address. If the student resides out of state or out of country, the building number should be 999. For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
23/25 | District Entry Date | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal: Entry Date field (reg_entry_with.entry_date) or, Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: District Enrollment Date field (reg.dist_enroll_date) | Required YYYYMMDD format Based on Method for Entry Date selection from the Run NJ SMART Submission File page. If you selected Entry Withdrawal Screen, the submission uses the first date associated with an Entry Code meeting the criteria you defined. If you indicated all Entry Codes as valid by leaving the selection field blank, the submission file uses the date associated with the student's first Entry/Withdrawal vector. For this field, the current New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook says the following: This date represents the first date of attendance for the student (as opposed to registration date). This date represents the most recent entry date into the district, in the case of students who have entered, left and re-entered the district. This date is not automatically the 1st day of school each school year for every student. |
24/64 | County Code Receiving | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: County – Receiving field. This is Field 8 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJRECC. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses the value from County Code Attending. | Required County where the student actually attends school if sent from one county to another in a sending/ receiving relationship. If the receiving county is outside the State of New Jersey and not included in the list of valid County codes, this value should be 99. This code needs to be set up in the County table (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select New Jersey State Reporting and for Validation Table, select County). For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
25/65 | District Code Receiving | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: District – Receiving (Override) field. This is Field 10 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJRECD. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses the value from District Code Attending. | Required District where the student actually attends school if sent from one district to another in a sending/ receiving relationship. If the receiving district is outside the State of New Jersey and not otherwise defined as a validation-only district, this value should be 9999. This code needs to be set up as a validation-only district (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select District). For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
26/66 | School Code Receiving | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: School – Receiving (Override) field. This is Field 9 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJRECB. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses the value from School Code Attending. | Required School where the student actually attends in a case where the student is sent from one district to another in a sending/receiving relationship. If the receiving county is outside the State of New Jersey and the school is not already defined with a valid building code, this value should be 999. This code needs to be set up in the Building List (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Building, and then select Building Definition). For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
27/26 | County Code Attending | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: County – Attending field. This is Field 2 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJACNT. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses your Default County Code entry from the Run NJ SMART Submission File page. | Required The county in which the student is attending school. If the attending county is outside the State of New Jersey and not set up as a valid County code, this value should be 99. This code needs to be set up in the County table (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select New Jersey State Reporting and for Validation Table, select County). For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
28/27 | District Code Attending | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: District – Attending (Override) field. This is Field 7 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJADIS. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses the State Equivalency Code value (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select District: State Equivalency Code (reg_district.state_code_equiv)). | Required The district where the student is attending school. If the student is a resident of a district outside the State of New Jersey and otherwise not set up as a validation-only district, this value should be 9999. This code needs to be set up as a validation-only district (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select District). For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
29/28 | School Code Attending | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: School – Attending (Override) field. This is Field 5 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJABLD. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). If there is no value for this field, the submission uses reg_building.state_code_equiv for the appropriate reg_entry_with.building from the student's Entry/Withdrawal record. | Required The school the student actually attends. If the student attends school outside the State of New Jersey, this value should be 999. This code needs to be set up in the Building List (from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Building, and then select Building Definition). For more information, refer to the latest version of the New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
30/34 | Year of Graduation | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Academic: Graduation Year field (reg_academic.graduation_year) | Required YYYY format Projected year of the student's high school graduation. |
31/29 | School Entry Date | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal: Entry Date field (reg_entry_with.entry_date) or, If a Program record exists for School – Attending (override) field in the date range you specified, then the associated program Start Date is used. The submission file looks in reg_program_column for the program_id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJABLD. The corresponding reg_programs.start_date is used. | Required YYYYMMDD format Date when the student is enrolled in the attending building identified based on the Reporting Start and End Dates you entered on the Run NJ SMART Submission File page. |
32/30 | School Exit Date | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal: Withdrawal Date field (reg_entry_with.withdrawal_date) | Required for all inactive students (Status = I). For active students, this should be blank. YYYYMMDD format Year, month, and day of the first day after the student's last attendance date in the school. If you chose to show graduates as graduated, the submission file defaults the student's graduation date if the graduation year equals the School Year you selected on the Run NJ SMART Submission File page. |
33/31 | School Exit Withdrawal Code | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal: Withdrawal Code field (reg_entry_with.withdrawal_code). Converted to State Code Equiv from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select Registration and for Validation Table, select Withdrawals (regtb_withdrawal.state_code_equiv where reg_entry_with.withdrawal_code = regtb_withdrawal.code) | Required for all inactive students (Status = I). For active students, this should be blank. This field shows the L withdrawal code for graduated students if you chose to show graduates as graduated. For more information about valid withdrawal codes, refer to the most recent New Jersey Department of Education SID Management Student Data Handbook. |
34/67 | Tuition Code | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Tuition Code field. This is Field 11 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJTUIT. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Optional If Tuition Code is 06, the student's Attending District must be defined as a Choice District. For a list of the valid codes, refer to the most recent NJ DOE State Submission Student Handbook. |
35/45 | Free and Reduced Rate Lunch Status | reg_programs.value for the program_id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJMEAL in reg_programs_column. You can view this value in the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Meal Status field. | Required Mandatory for all students, except for Non-Public, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. Valid values are as follows: N = None (refers to students who pay full price) If this field is blank for the student, the submission uses the default value of N. |
36/32 | Grade Level | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Entry/Withdrawal: Grade field (reg_entry_with.grade). Converted to State Equivalency Code from Administration > General Setup > Setup > Grades (reg_grade.state_code_equiv where reg_entry_with.grade = reg_grade.code) | Required Mandatory for all students, except for preschool referral students and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. For a list of the valid state code equivalents, refer to the latest NJ DOE State Submission Student Data Handbook. |
37/33 | Program Type Code | The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJPROG. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value. This field is validated against the New Jersey Program Codes table from the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select New Jersey State Reporting and for Validation Table, select Program Codes. | Required Mandatory for all students, except for preschool referral students and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. For a list of valid values, refer to the latest NJ DOE State Submission Student Data Handbook |
38/68 | Retained | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Retained field (nj_v_stu_health.retained). This is Field 12 on Student district-defined page 990. | Required Mandatory for all students except for Non-Public and shared time vocational school students being Valid values are Y (for Yes) or N (for No). If this field is blank for a student, the submission file uses the default value of N. |
39/47 | Special Education Classification | The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJCLASS. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value. This field is validated by the User-Defined Registration table identified through the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Programs Setup. | Required Mandatory for all students evaluated for special education eligibility except for preschool referral students. Optional For shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. Valid codes are in the range from 00 through 12 and 14 through 17. Code 18 should only be reported for students who were eligible for special education and related services under the Special Education Classification of 12 = Preschool Child with a Disability who turned age 5 during the 2020-21 school year, for whom the reevaluation to determine a school age eligibility category was not completed by June 30, 2021 due to COVID-19, and the student is in kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year. For information of this field's valid values, refer to the latest NJ DOE State Submission Student Data Handbook. |
40/69 | ELL Identification Date | The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJLEP. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.start_date. | Required Mandatory for all students who have been identified as being in need of ELL services and/or a program including students being served in a language assistance program and students whose parents have refused language assistance program services. Optional For shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If the student's LEP indicator is Y (for Yes), then report the Start Date and, if entered, the End Date. Otherwise, LEP dates are not reported. Format: YYYYMMDD |
41/70 | ELL Exit Date | The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJLEP. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.end_date. | Required Mandatory for all students who have successfully completed an ELL program or have been determined to no longer need ELL services and/or a program. Optional For shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. This date only applies if the student's LEP indicator has a value of Y (for Yes). The End Date is reported in this case if one is entered. Format: YYYYMMDD |
42/195 | Non Public | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: NonPublic field. This is Field 20 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJNPS. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required Mandatory for special education students placed by their parents in a sectarian or non-sectarian private school. If NonPublic = REC or NREC, then Special Education Classification and Grade Level must be filled in. Students enrolled in an LEP Program must also have the LEP Program Start Date and LEP Program Completion Date filled in, if appropriate. If NonPublic = REC or NREC, then all elements other than Special Education Classification, Grade Level, LEP Program Start Date, and LEP Program Completion Date must be left blank. |
43/108 | Resident Municipal Code | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Resident Municipal Code field. This is Field 14 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJRMNC. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required Mandatory for all students, including Non-Public students. |
44/220 | Military Connected Student Identifier | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Military Connected field. This is Field 21 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJMIL. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required Mandatory for all students, including Non-Public students. This field is optional for shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. |
45/332 | ELA Graduation Pathway Indicator | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: ELA Graduation Pathway field. This is Field 24 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJELA. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required Mandatory for all active students with the Grade Level of 11 or 12, all students with the School Exit Withdrawal Code =L, and all students with a Biliterate value of Y. If School Exit Code = L, Indicator must be A, B, C, or D If Indicator = E or F, School Exit Code cannot be = L |
46/333 | Math Graduation Pathway Indicator | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Math Graduation Pathway field. This is Field 25 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJMGP. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required Mandatory for all active students with the Grade Level of 11 or 12, all students with the School Exit Withdrawal Code =L. If School Exit Code = L, Indicator must be A, B, C, or D If Indicator = E or F, School Exit Code cannot = L |
47/390 | In District Placement | Required Mandatory if a student is attending a non-resident school within their resident district and their resident If DistrictCodeResident and DistrictCodeAttending are the same but the SchoolCodeResident and SchoolCodeAttending are different and the SchoolCodeResident offers the student’s Grade Level, an error will occur if this field is blank. If SPECED is reported and SpecialEducationClassification has no value, an error will occur. If ELL is reported and ELLIdentificationDate has no value, an error will occur. If ADULT is reported and Grade Level is not A1 or A2, an error will occur. | |
48/391 | Language Instruction Education | Required Mandatory for students receiving ELL services or whose parents have refused ELL services after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot. Optional For shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If ELLIdentificationDate has a valid date AND ELLExitDate is blank or REFUSED, this field must have a valid value. | |
49/402 | Biliterate | Required Mandatory for 12th grade students, except Non-Public students and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school, from December 4th through March 31st. Optional Prior to December 4th and after March 31st , field is optional for all 12th grade students. If a student has received passing scores on both a World Language Assessment and an English Assessment, Biliterate must equal Y. If a student is reported with a Grade Level= 12, an error will occur if this field is blank. If NonPublic field has a value of REC or NREC or ReportedSharedVoc = Y, this field should be blank. | |
50/403 | World Language Assessment (repeats five times) | Required Mandatory for 12th grade students that have a Y in the field of Biliterate. Optional For shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If Biliterate is Y, then this field must have a value. | |
51/404 | World Language Assessed (repeats five times) | Required Mandatory for 12th grade students that have a Y in the field of Biliterate. Optional For shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If WorldLanguagesAssessed is left blank, and WorldLanguageAssessment has a value an error will occur. If another language code is used that is outside of the acceptable codes as given by the NJDOE an error will occur. | |
60/408 | Gifted and Talented Student | Required Mandatory for all students except for preschool, Adult High School, Non-Public students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If GiftedAndTalentedStudent is left blank, unless NonPublic field= REC or NREC, Grade Level= 3F, 3H, 4F, 4H, 5F, 5H, A1, or A2, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. | |
61/419 | Student Learning Environment | Required Mandatory for all students except for preschool, Adult High School, Non-Public students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If StudentLearningEnvironment is left blank unless NonPublic field= REC or NREC, student | |
62/414 | Remote Days Present | Required Mandatory for all inactive students, except for non-public and preschool referral students, at any point of submission. Mandatory for all students, except for Non-Public and preschool referral students, after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot. Not required for the Fall Snapshot for active students. The extended school year is included in Remote Days Present up to June 30th and only when it is required for all students. Summer school is not included in Remote Days Present. The value of this element cannot be greater than the value of Number Of Days Present. | |
63/414 | Remote Days Absent | Required Mandatory for all inactive students, except for non-public and preschool referral students, at any point of submission. Mandatory for all students, except for Non-Public and preschool referral students, after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot. Not required for the Fall Snapshot for active students. The extended school year is included in Remote Days Absent up to June 30th and only when it is required for all students. Summer school is not included in Remote Days Absent. The value of this element cannot be greater than the value of Number Of Days Absent. | |
64/417 | Student Internet Connectivity | Required Mandatory if StudentLearningEnvironment = 2, 3 or 4, except for Non-public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If StudentInternetConnectivity is left blank and StudentLearningEnvironment = 2, 3 or 4, unless NonPublic = REC or NREC or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. | |
65/415 | Required Mandatory for all students except for Non-Public student, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If StudentDeviceOwner is left blank, unless NonPublic field= REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. | ||
66/416 | Required Mandatory for all students except for Non-Public student, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If StudentDeviceType is left blank, unless NonPublic field= REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. | ||
67/427 | Required Mandatory for all students with Grade Level of 12, including Non-Public students. Optional For shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If GradeLevel = 12, unless ReportedSharedVoc = Y this field must have a value. For students that are not in 12th grade, this field should be left blank. If BridgeYear = Y or P and Status = I for inactive, an error will occur. For 12th graders in the 2022-2023 SY, an error will occur if BridgeYear = P. | ||
68/430 | Required Mandatory for active students with Grade Level of 12 after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot. Mandatory for inactive students with the School Exit Withdrawal Code = L at any point of submission. Not required for Non-public students and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If GradeLevel = 12 and status = A after the Fall Snapshot for the End of Year Snapshot, unless NonPublic = REC or NREC or ReportedSharedVoc = Y, this field must have a value. | ||
69/431 | Required Mandatory for both active and inactive students with a Grade Level of 12 and a Special Education Classification of 01-17. If Grade Level = 12 and Special Education Classification = 01-17, this field must have a value. | ||
70/432 | Required Mandatory for both active and inactive students with a Grade Level of 12 and a Special Education Classification of 01-17. If Grade Level = 12 and Special Education Classification = 01-17, this field must have a value. | ||
71/433 | Required Mandatory for students receiving ELL services and LanguageInstructionEducationalProgram = 1-5. If LanguageInstructionEducationalProgram has a valid value of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 , LIEPLanguageOfInstruction must have a valid value. If LanguageInstructionEducationalProgram value = 1, 2 or 3, then LIEPLanguageOfInstruction must be an acceptable value listed above other than ENG. If LanguageInstructionEducationalProgram value = 4 or 5, then LIEPLanguageOfInstruction must be ENG. If LanguageInstructionEducationalProgram value = 6, then LIEPLanguageOfInstruction must be blank. | ||
72/12 | City Of Residence | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Addresses. You must select Addresses panel: City field (reg_contact.city) The submission finds the appropriate reg_contact record for the student first by determining the student's contact_id in reg_stu_contact. To do so, it looks for the appropriate student_id and contact_type = P. | Required Mandatory for all students, except for Non-public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. If punctuation is included in an error will occur. |
73/44 | Migrant Status | If this is program-tracked for the student, the submission takes the reg_programs.value based on the program_id and field_number from reg_programs_column where state_code_equiv=NJMIG. If the value is not program-tracked, the value comes from the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Migrant field (reg_personal.migrant). | Required Values are Y (for Yes) or N (for No). If the student does not have a Migrant Status, the submission file uses the default value of N. If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. |
74/92 | Eighth Technological Literacy | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Eighth Technological Literacy field (nj_v_stu_health.eighth_tech_literacy). This is Field 13 on Student district-defined page 990. | Required if student's Grade Level = 08. Otherwise, leave blank. Valid codes are as follows: Y – Deemed technologically proficient N – Not technologically proficient NE – Not evaluated for technological proficiency |
75/35 | Health Insurance Status | Calculated based on NJ DOE field number 36, Health Insurance Provider. | Optional Y – Yes, student has health insurance N – No, student does not have health insurance coverage |
76/36 | Health Insurance Provider | The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJINS. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value. This program-tracked field is also linked to the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Emergency: Insurance Company field (reg_emergency.insurance_company). | Optional An error occurs if this field has a value but Health Insurance Status is N for No. |
77/117 | Home Language | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: Native Language field (reg.native_language). Converted to State Code Equiv from menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select New Jersey State Reporting and for Validation Table, select Native Language (njtb_native_lang.state_code_equiv where reg.native_language = njtb_native_lang.code) | Required Mandatory for all students except for Non-public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. |
78/110 | Immigrant Status | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Immigrant Status field. This is Field 13 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJIMM. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required if the student's Country of Birth is not one of the following: US (United States), AS (American Samoa), FM (Federated States of Micronesia), GU (Guam), MH (Marshall Islands), MP (Northern Mariana Islands), PW (Palau), PR (Puerto Rico), or VI (Virgin Islands). The setting cannot be Y for Yes if District Entry Date is more than three years ago. Refer to the District Entry Date field for information on how this is determined for each student. |
79/111 | First Entry Date into a US School | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration: US Enrollment Date field (reg.us_enroll_date) | Required if Immigrant Status is Y for Yes. Format: YYYYMMDD |
80/74 | Homeless | Calculated based on reg_programs.value for the program_id and field_number from reg_program_columns with state_code_equiv = NJHOME | Required If the student has a program vector in the current school year for NJHOME program_id and field_number, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise, it is N for No. In eSchoolPlus, you can review the field associated with the NJHOME state code equivalent from the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Homeless Status. |
81/112 | Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence | reg_programs.value for the program_id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJHOME in reg_programs_column. You can view this value in the menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Personal: Homeless Status field. This field is validated based on the Homeless Status validation table: menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. For Application, you must select Registration and for Validation Table, select Homeless Status. | Required if Homeless is Y for Yes. For a list of the valid codes, refer to the most recent NJ DOE State Submission Student Data Handbook. |
82/113 | Alternative Education Program | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Alternative Education field. This is Field 14 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJALT. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required Mandatory for all students except for Non-Public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school. If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC, student is preschool referred, or ReportedSharedVoc = Y an error will occur. |
83/75 | Title I Science | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Title 1 Science field. This is Field 15 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJT1SC. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required If a program vector exists in the prompted school year for the student, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise it is N for No. The school year start and end dates are the first and last non-summer school membership days for that year. |
84/76 | Title I Math | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Title 1 Math field. This is Field 16 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJT1MA. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required If a program vector exists in the prompted school year for the student, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise it is N for No. The school year start and end dates are the first and last non-summer school membership days for that year. |
85/77 | Title I Language | Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select NJ Smart Info: Title 1 Language field. This is Field 17 on Student district-defined page 990. (The system looks in reg_program_column for the program__id and field_number associated with state_code_equiv=NJT1LA. The submission file uses the corresponding reg_programs.value). | Required If a program vector exists in the prompted school year for the student, this value is Y for Yes. Otherwise it is N for No. The school year start and end dates are the first and last non-summer school membership days for that year. |
86/21 | School Status | Required If multiple matching records (same Submitting District, SID Number, Local ID, First Name, Last Name, and Date Of Birth) are submitted by an LEA have a SchoolStatus = Active or A an error will occur. All students with a SchoolStatus = Inactive or I require a SchoolExitDate, SchoolExitWithdrawalCode, NumberofDaysPresent, NumberofDaysAbsent, NumberofStateExcusedAbsences, RemoteDaysPresent, and RemoteAbsent or an error will occur. | |
87/395 | School Entry Code | Required Mandatory for all students, except for non-public and preschool referral students. If Status = Active or A and field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur. Codes must conform to NJDOE codes or an error will occur. | |
88/396 | Days Open | Required Mandatory for all students in grades Kindergarten through 12, except for non-public and preschool referral students. Optional For students in preschool grade levels. If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur. | |
89/115 | Number of Days Present | Required Mandatory for all inactive students, except for non-public and preschool referral students, at any point of submission. Mandatory for all students, except for Non-Public and preschool referral students, after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot. Optional For the Fall Snapshot for active students. If Status = Inactive or I, student must have NumberOfDaysPresent filled in as of the last day in membership unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred. | |
90/397 | Number of Days Absent | Required Mandatory for all inactive students, except for non-public and preschool referral students, at any point of submission. Mandatory for all students, except for Non-Public and preschool referral students, after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot. Optional For the Fall Snapshot for active students. If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur. | |
91/399 | Number of State Excused Absences | Required Mandatory for all students, except for non-public and preschool referral students. If field is left blank unless Nonpublic = REC or NREC or student is preschool referred an error will occur. | |
92/434 | Reported Shared Voc | Required A value of Y should only be reported by county vocational schools to report data for shared-time vocational school students. For all schools that are not county vocational schools, a value of N should be reported. If field is left blank or if ReportedSharedVoc = Y and Enrollment Type = F and District Code Submitting is not a county vocational school an error will occur. |