Staff Date Tracking
Primary and Secondary Staff Tracking
Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule
Primary Staff
Click the Primary Staff link. In the Staff Date Tracking page, enter the primary staff tracking information:
- Staff – Select the primary staff
- Start Date – Enter the date of starting the course
- End Date – Enter the date of exiting the course
- Course Minutes - If you do not want the system to use the value calculated from the Attendance Periods setup for the Course Minutes field in the Course Assignment file, enter the weekly instructional minutes for the course.
- Semester - Indicate semester of course for the Course Assignment record.
- Sequence -Indicate sequence number that identifies the content of courses taught at more than one level. If only one level of course content is offered, leave SEQ blank.
- Caseload - Enter number of students served in an educational setting other than a regularly scheduled class, if applicable.
- Delivery System - Enter instructional delivery model.
- Program Code - Indicate program code that identifies special funding or approval. Otherwise, leave blank.
- CTE Program Type -
- Combine Course - Enter the code to report for a course that should be reported with combined class indicator to indicate that two or more different subjects or course sequence levels are taught during the same period by the same teacher. Enter the same code for the courses that are combined together.
- Assignment Comments - If applicable, enter a comment regarding the staff member's assignment. This field appears in the MOSIS Course Assignment file. Free-form notes used to indicate (1) job titles for Course 887900, (2) course titles for "Other" (xxxx99) courses, (3) supplemental assignment for Course 880000, (4) teachers assisted by an aide, (5) aides assisting a teacher or (6) other nonstandard info.
- Exclude from MOSIS - Select if this course assignment should not be reported to MOSIS.
Secondary Staff
Click the Secondary Staff link. In the Staff Date Tracking page, enter the secondary staff tracking information.
Follow the same steps of entering the Primary Staff.
Assign Staff Members to a Master Schedule Course Section
1. Add the Master Schedule course section and session information. You will need to save the course section before you assign any staff.
2. In the Master Schedule Session Information section, click the hyperlink in the Primary Staff field to assign a primary staff member to the course-section session. The Staff Date Tracking pages opens:
3. Select the staff member who serves as Primary Staff for the course section.
4. The Start Date defaults based on the earliest Marking Period start date associated with the course section for the building's calendar.
5. Leave the End Date blank.
6. Click Save. The primary staff member is now assigned for the session. You do NOT need to re-save the Master Schedule course section on the Master Schedule Course Information page.
7. To assign secondary staff for the course section session, repeat Steps 2 through 6 using the hyperlink in the Secondary Staff field.
8. Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for any remaining sessions associated with the course section.
Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data Utility
This feature creates the initial staff date records for courses once a building is ready to do so. The user can choose to exclude staff members, if desired. All available course-sessions are available to be updated.
- Select Scheduling > Utilities > Setup Mass Updates > Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data.
- Specify how to create records in the fields.
Delete Existing Course Staff Date Records - If checked, the utility will delete all existing Course Staff Date records for the selected courses.
Create Course Staff Date Records - If checked, Course Staff Date records will be created for primary and secondary staff members. If Course Staff Date records already exist for a course-session, the utility will skip that course-session.
Staff IDs to Skip - Use the selection list to exclude any staff from the utility. The list of course-sessions below will automatically refresh to include only courses that have at least one staff member not included in the list.
- Use the filter to define the criteria to select the courses to process. Then click Load to display the list of applicable courses. All of these courses will be included when the utility is run.
- To remove a course, select the checkbox to the left of the course name.
- Once the courses have been loaded, click Run to execute the utility.