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MOSIS Pre-Code File Layout

This file layout selects staff information from different locations depending on the assessment type you are processing.

The Pre-Code utility determines the staff member to report based on whether you select the User Staff ID Override box and which Assessment Type you choose.

  • If you select User Staff ID Override, the utility uses the student MOSIS Demographics page's Pre-ID Teacher Staff ID field to determine which staff member to report.
  • For LEP/ELL, if the district-defined field is blank, then the Pre-code file uses the staff member for the student's Primary Homeroom. 
  • For EOC, if the district-defined field is blank, then the file uses the course-section Primary Staff member tied to the Subject code being reported.
  • The MAP and ACT assessment types reference the student district-defined page value even when you run the Pre-Code option without selecting User Staff ID Override.
Field #Field NameData TypeField LengtheSchoolPLUS table.columnValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPLUS?
5Collection VersionText50  N/A
10Current School YearInteger4   
25Reporting District CodeText6reg_district.district converted to state code District > Preferences panel > Other section:  State Code Equivalent
30Reporting School CodeText4reg_entry_with.building converted to state codereg_buildings Entry/Withdrawal > Regular School Year panel:  Building

Building Definition > Preferences panel: State Equivalency Code
50MOSIS Student IDText10reg_personal.state_report_id Personal > General panel:  State Reporting ID
55Local Student IDText20reg_entry_with.student_id Student ID
60Legal Last NameText60reg_legal_info.legal_last_name


 Personal > Legal/Birth Information panel: Last Name


Registration > Student panel:  Last Name
65Legal First NameText60reg_legal_info.legal_first_name


 Personal > Legal/Birth Information panel: First Name


Registration > Student panel:  First Name
70Legal Middle NameText60reg_legal_info.legal_middle_name


 Personal > Legal/Birth Information panel: Middle Name


Registration > Student panel:  Middle Name
75Legal Name SuffixText10reg_legal_info.legal_generation


regtb_generationPersonal > Legal/Birth Information panel: Generation


Registration > Student panel:  Generation
80Date of BirthText10reg.birthdate Registration > Student panel:  Birth Date
95Student Grade LevelText3reg_entry_with.grade converted to state code equiv using reg_grade table.reg_gradeEntry/Withdrawal > Regular School Year panel:  Grade


 Personal > Legal/Birth Information panel: Gender


Registration > Student panel:  Gender
105Race/EthnicityText1if reg_personal.hispanic = "Y" then report "H" else
reg_personal.ethnic_code converted to state code
regtb_ethnicityPersonal > Federal panel:  Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity or Race field

If a student is marked Y in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field, an H will be sent in this field.  If a student is not Hispanic and has one Race, then the state equiv code of the Primary Race will be sent.  If a student is not Hispanic and has multiple races, an M is sent.  
110AssessmentText6N/A Based on your selection for the Assessment Type prompt when you create the pre-code file.

The file turns your Assessment Type selection into the corresponding MOSIS Assessment Type Code.
115Testing MethodText6N/A For the EOC Assessment Types, this is based on your Testing Method selection when you create the pre-code file.
130Educator First NameText60

reg_staff.first_name for the staff member

The teacher reported is selected as follows:

If you selected the User Staff ID Override prompt, the Pre-Code utility uses the staff member selected in the student's reg_user.field_value where screen_number='551' and field_number='25'

If the district-defined page value is blank, the EOC assessment type uses schd_ms_staff_date.staff_id where primary_secondary = P to find the correct staff member.

The LEP/ELL assessment type uses reg.homeroom_primary and then finds the teacher assigned to the homeroom using reg_staff_bldgs.homeroom_primary

The MAP and ACT assessment types also reference the student district-defined page value when you run the Pre-Code option without selecting User Staff ID Override.


For the teacher name, Staff > Staff Information panel:  First  Name

 The teacher reported is selected from the following pages:

For the student district-defined page, MOSIS Demographics: Pre-ID Teacher Staff ID

For the primary staff assigned to a scheduled course-section, Master Schedule > Session Information panel > Staff and Room Information section: Primary Staff

For the student's homeroom teacher, first find the student's homeroom in Registration > Building panel: Primary Homeroom. Then, find the staff member assigned to that primary homeroom using Staff.

135Educator Last NameText60reg_staff.last_name for the staff member

Refer to the Educator First Name field for information on how the teacher is selected.
 For the teacher name, Staff > Staff Information panel:  Last  Name

Refer to the Educator First Name field for information on where the teacher information is displayed.
140SubjectText6  This value depends on the Assessment Type you choose.

For the MAP Assessments, students get pre-code records for the Subjects applicable to their grade levels. For example, a third grade student taking the MAP Alternate Assessments would get a record for the MAPA ELA and MAPA Math subjects.

For the EOC assessments, you will select which course codes apply for each EOC subject area. The Pre-Code option then creates a subject area EOC pre-code record for each student enrolled in a course-section for the course codes you pick.
145PeriodText2  Master Schedule > Session Information panel > Scheduling Information section: Periods

This applies only for EOC assessments.
155Examiner for the staff member

Refer to the Educator First Name field for information on how the teacher is selected.
 Refer to the Educator First Name field for information on where the teacher information is displayed.
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