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August Cycle – Extended School Students Prerequisites and Processing

In the August Collection Cycle, you will report Extended School Hours in the Student Enrollment and Attendance file for students receiving special education and related services beyond the end of the regular school year.

To facilitate this reporting for the correct students, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Summer School eSchoolPlus environment.  All steps are performed in Summer School.
  2. For each building serving Extended School students, create an Extended School calendar. This must be a separate calendar from the building's regular Summer School calendar.  It can be an exact copy of the Summer School calendar except for the Calendar code and description, which must be unique.
  3. Assign the Extended School calendar to the appropriate students who are enrolled in the Summer School buildings.
    • For an individual student, update the Calendar for the appropriate School Year's Entry/Withdrawal record.
    • To update the calendar for multiple students at once, use Registration > Utilities > Mass Update > Registration Mass Update.
  4. Create a new Attendance View setup for each school serving the Extended School students.  The view should be a copy of the building's State attendance view except for the following details:
    • Assign the Extended School calendar code to each criteria row in the new attendance view.
    • Name the attendance view using the same code for each building that applies.
  5. Schedule the Extended School students in courses during the appropriate summer terms.
  6. Record attendance for the Extended School students through the summer school duration.
  7. At the completion of summer school, run Calculate Day Totals. Run the calculation for the appropriate buildings through the end of summer school.  Process the attendance view you set up for Extended School students.
  8. At this point, you are ready to run the MO MOSIS Download for August Cycle.
    • Run the download for the year containing the summer session.  Select the August Collection Cycle. 
    • Choose the attendance view you created in Step 4 as the Extended School Attendance View Type.  Select your regular summer school view type to process all other students using the Summer School Attendance View Type field.
    • Select the Student Enrollment and Attendance collection.
  9. Verify downloaded data using the MO State Download Search or MO State Download Summary.
  10. If needed, make corrections and then re-run the download.
  11. Run MO MOSIS Extract Files to create the final extract file.
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