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Student Entry for Special Education and Initial IEP Components

On this page:

You can track students' data for the SDS Special Education and Initial IEP components using options in the Student Programs menu or through the MI Special Ed student-level district-defined page. You select your maintenance method on the MI Special Ed Data district-level district-defined page.

The following sections describe the program-tracking options and fields on the student MI Special Ed page.

MI Special Education Page

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MI Special Education

Use this page to track information collected in the SDS Special Education and Initial IEP components. 


Clicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's Personal page where you can update the IEP field.

XML Components: Program Participation

IEP StatusClicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's Personal page where you can update the IEP Status field.
Primary Disability

Clicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's Emergency page on the Disabilities panel where you can update the Primary and Secondary fields.

XML Components: Special Education

Secondary Disability

Clicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's Emergency page to the Disabilities panel where you can update the Primary and Secondary fields.

XML Components: Special Education

Current Building for FTEClicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's MI Building FTE page where you can update the FTE Building, Current GE FTE, Current SE FTE – Section 52 and Current SE FTE – Section 53 fields.
Current General Education FTE

Clicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's MI Building FTE page where you can update the FTE Building, Current GE FTE, Current SE FTE – Section 52 and Current SE FTE – Section 53 fields.

XML Components: General Education FTE

Current Special Education FTE – Section 52

Clicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's MI Building FTE page where you can update the FTE Building, Current GE FTE, Current SE FTE – Section 52 and Current SE FTE – Section 53 fields.

XML Components: Special Education

Current Special Education FTE – Section 53

Clicking the hyperlink in this field will open the student's MI Building FTE page where you can update the FTE Building, Current GE FTE, Current SE FTE – Section 52 and Current SE FTE – Section 53 fields.

XML Components: Special Education

MI Initial IEP Panel

Date of Parental Consent

If the parents have consented to an Evaluation, enter the date here.

XML Components: Initial IEP

Parental Consent (IEP Timeliness)

Select the appropriate Consent to Evaluation code.

XML Components: Initial IEP

Result of Initial IEP

Select the appropriate initial IEP result.

XML Components: Initial IEP

Initial IEP Completion Date 
Days Beyond Evaluation of IEP

If the IEP was not done in a timely manner, enter the number of days that it was late.

XML Components: Initial IEP

Part C Transition Timeliness

Select the code indicating the number of days evaluation and Part C Transition completion went beyond the child's third birthday.

XML Components: Initial IEP

MI Special Ed Panel

Plan Date

Enter the date of the student's last IEP.

XML Components: Special Education and Program Participation

Type of Plan

Select the type of plan for this plan:

  • 02 - IEP
  • 01 - IFSP
  • 03 - Non Public Service Plan

XML Components: Special Education

Primary Ed Setting

Select the Primary Educational Setting for the student.

This is required for students reporting a Residency code of 09 – Section 24 Juvenile Detention Facility who also have a Primary Disability code.

XML Components: Special Education

Special Ed Exit Reason

If a student exits Special Education, select the reason why.  This is required if you submit a Special Ed Exit Date.

XML Components: Special Education

Special Ed Exit Date

If a student exits Special Education, enter the exit date.

XML Components: Special Education and Initial IEP

Place by Other Dist IEP

Checked if the student was placed in Special Education as a result of another District's IEP.

XML Components: Special Education

MET DateEnter the student's MET date.

Program Services Panel

PrimaryChecked for the program service to report as the student's primary program. The indicated program service is reported first for the Special Education component's Program Service Code element.
Start Date

Enter the Start Date of the Special Education program that the student is enrolled in.

XML Components: Special Education

Service Code

Select the code for the Special Education program that the student is participating in.

XML Components: Special Education

End Date

Enter the End Date of the Special Education program that the student is enrolled in.

XML Components: Special Education

Support Services Tab Panel

PrimaryChecked for the support service to report as the student's primary service. The indicated support service is reported first for the Special Education component's Support Services element.
Start Date

Enter the Start Date of the Special Education support that the student is receiving.

XML Components: Special Education

Service Code

Select the code for the Special Education support that the student is receiving.

XML Components: Special Education

End Date

Enter the End Date of the Special Education support that the student is receiving.

XML Components: Special Education

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