Michigan State Reporting Setup
On this page:
Michigan State Reporting Validation Tables
Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Michigan State Reporting
Many of the validation tables for Michigan state reporting are pre-populated with the valid values for state reporting. This section includes information about the validation tables that you must edit.
Table | Database Table Name | Validates |
Discipline Followup | mitb_disc_follow | MI Discipline Followup |
Mark/Completion Crosswalk
Use this validation table to link a Course Completion Status to each Mark for the Teacher Student Data Linking submission. You will need an entry is this validation table for each mark in each building and the appropriate completion status for the mark.
Fields | Description |
Building | Enter the building for the mark. |
Mark | Enter the mark. |
Completion Status | Enter the code for the status. |
MI FTE Configuration
Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > MI FTE Configuration
Use this page to determine how FTE values default for students in your district when an MI Building FTE vector closes and a new one opens because of:
- Running year-end Registration Rollover which closes open FTE vectors and creates new ones.
- Closing a student's Entry/Withdrawal record and opening a new one.
Fields | Description |
Use FTE from Previous Entry | Checked if a student's newly opened FTE vectors on the MI Building FTE page should default values from the previous entries in the following fields: FTE (General Ed), FTE (Section 52), and FTE (Section 53). Uncheck this box if a new FTE record should default a value of 1.00 in the FTE (General Ed) field and a value of 0.00 in both the FTE (Section 52) and FTE (Section 53) fields. The default setting is referenced when a new FTE record opens:
MI EEM Entity Type
Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > MI EEM Entity Type
Use this page to identify the Educational Entity Master (EEM) category that applies for your district. MSDS uses this code to link education data sets. To report the Early On, Initial IFSD, Part B Referral, and Part C Assessment components, your district needs a value of ISD in the EEM Entity Type field.
The default value for this field is ISD.
MI Special Ed Data
Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > MI Special Ed Data
Use this page to determine how your district enters student data for the SDS Special Education and Initial IEP components. In the MI Special Ed Data Source field, select where the SDS Download will get data for these components:
- PAGE – MI Special Ed Page: Select this option if your district uses the student-district defined MI Special Ed page to track the information used for the Special Education and Initial IEP components.
- PROG – MI Special Ed Program Tracked: Select this option if you track Initial IEP data on the MI Initial IEP student page, and special education data on the MI Special Ed and Services student page. These pages allow date-tracking for fields which you would not otherwise be able to date-track if you used the PAGE option.
For version 4.0, only the PAGE option is available.
MI SDS Download Options
Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > MI SDS Download Options
This page includes settings controlling processing for several SDS Download options:
Fields | Description |
Dist Enrollment Entry Codes | Comma-delimited list of Entry codes your district uses to distinguish a student's entry from outside the district into a school within the district. The SDS Enrollment component uses these codes to determine the Enrollment Date, the date a student began continuous enrollment in the district. The download uses the most recent date it finds in the student's Entry/Withdrawal records with one of the codes defined here. We recommend you set up codes for the following situations in Registration Validation Tables' Entries List:
If you do not set up a list of codes on the SDS Download Options page, you can use the Student Registration page, District Enrollment Date field, to record a specific student's date of continuous enrollment. |
TSDL: Incl Trans Bldg Virt Crs | Checked if the TSDL submission should include virtual courses for students enrolled in a transfer building. This only applies to the General TSDL submission type.
If this box is not checked, no courses are processed for transfer building students in the TSDL submission. |
TSDL: Subset of Students | Checked if the TSDL submission should include the state subset of students. This only applies to the General TSDL submission type. The subset includes:
If this box is not checked, all students will be extracted for TSDL. |
MI SDS Building
Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > MI SDS Building
For any buildings considered a Priority or Priority Successor school, access the MI SDS Building page, and check the box for Priority (Successor) School.
- Priority schools are those schools identified in the bottom five percent (5%) of the statewide Top-to-Bottom school rankings.
- Priority successor schools are those where fifty percent (50%) or more of enrolled students at existing priority school transfer to a new school, and where fifty percent (50%) or more of enrolled students at this new school come from the sending school.
TSDL Mark Types
Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > TSDL Mark Types
This page defines how mark types are used for the TSDL submission.
Select the mark types that indicate a final grade for courses. These mark types are used to determine the term in which the course was or would be completed.
The download creates a separate record for each mark a student earns for the mark types selected. For instance, suppose you select a mark type of FIN that is issued four times in a year-long course. A student who is in the class for the full year would get four Student Course records for that course-section.
Fields | Description |
Mark Type | Select the mark types used in the building where grades are issued. |
Marking Period | Select the marking period for the term when the grade is issued. Leave this field blank for mark types like a final that are issued once per year. |
Completed | Checked if the mark type is used as the Final mark. If the student has a mark for the mark type then a completed code will be used for the completion status, even if a drop date exists for the course. |
Priority | Number to determine the order in which the mark types and marking periods are processed to determine the withdrawal completion status for the course. |
How mark types are used to calculate student course data
This section describes how mark types are used to calculate completion statuses.
For full year courses where more than one mark is considered the final mark, the term of the mark type will be added to the field Course Section ID for a unique identifier (Course Section - Term).
For courses that were not dropped and do not have a completed mark, the completion status will be set to OE - Ongoing Enrollment.
For students who have a drop date before the end of the course, but have a final mark, the completion status will be a completed code. The drop date will be ignored.
If the student has a drop date before the end of the term and does not have a completed mark, the withdrawal completion status will be calculated based on the prior marks. The calculation will use the Priority for mark types to select the mark type that has a mark.
- If no mark is found, a status of WE - Withdrawn/Exited is assigned.
- If the first mark found is a passing mark, a status of WP - Withdrawn/Passing is assigned.
- If the first mark found is a failing mark, a status of WF - Withdrawn/Failing is assigned.