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MD School Assessment Report

State Center > Maryland > Reports > MD School Assessment Report

This menu option will produce four files: the MSA (Maryland School Assessment) Pretest and Posttest files and the Mod-MSA/Alt-MSA Pretest and Posttest files.

For the MSA Pretest file, all students enrolled in grades 3-8 will be included. For the Alt-MSA Pretest file, students enrolled in grades 3-8 and 10 as of the test date are included.

The MSA and Mod-MSA Posttest file will include all students enrolled in grades 3-8 as of the last day of testing (March 31, 2010). The Alt-MSA Posttest file will include all students in grades 3-8 and 10 as of the last day of testing (March 18, 2010).

MD School Assessment Report Prerequisites

  1. Verify that the MSA/HSA Test Formats Validation Table has the correct State Code Equiv values.
  2. Verify that the student's MSA/HSA Test Information page has the correct information for the test being administered.
  3. Verify that students are enrolled in the following programs as appropriate: English Language Learner (MDLEP), Special Education (MDSpecED), and Special Education – IEP Status (MDDISABL).

MD School Assessment Report Prompts



Assessment File

Select Pretest or Posttest. 

Building List

Select All to create the MSA file for all buildings or Selected to indicate a building or buildings.

Date Range

Enter the date range. If no test exists for a student because you are creating a pretest file, the system will use the end date for the Submission Date in the file.  For the posttest file, test scores within this date range will be included.  

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