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RCDTS Override Program

Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs

A special security resource is required for these fields. If you do not give users the resource, they will not see the RCDTS Program in the list of programs.

Serving Building 1 through 5

Only use these fields if the student has FTE values divided between multiple buildings. If the student's FTE is reported as 1.00 for his or her Entry/Withdrawal building, do not enter override FTE and Serving Building values in these fields.

If you do need to report split FTE, include each building where the student attends, and enter the appropriate FTE value for the Student Demographic file or Demographic + Early Childhood, if applicable. Record the Start Date when the student began attending in the building. You can enter an End Date as well when FTE should no longer be reported for the building. Make sure to adjust FTE as appropriate when you close out a Serving Building with an End Date since you may need to add the FTE to another Serving Building.

The ISBE Download creates a separate Demographic record for each Serving Building where the student has FTE.

Also, the download includes a data integrity report which you should run before you create the Student Attendance file. It shows cases where a student has one of the following data discrepancies:

  • A Serving Building with FTE that has no Out of District Attendance recorded. The report does not list the student's Entry/Withdrawal building since its attendance is tracked through student Day Totals.
  • Out of District Attendance recorded for an RCDTS Serving School that has no matching Serving School FTE entry in the RCDTS Overrides student program.
Serving School RCDTS OverrideThis acts as an override of the student's Entry/Withdrawal building for reporting in ISBE submission files.
Home School RCDTS OverrideThis acts as an override of the student's Alternate Building from the Registration page for reporting in ISBE submission files.
Testing School RCDTS OverrideThis acts as an override of the Testing School from the ISBE Pre-ID page. It is used as the Testing School RCDTS for ISBE Pre-ID submission files.
Service Provider RCDTSRCDTS number for the school or program providing educational services for the student, other than the student's Serving School. This is reported in the Service Provider ISBE submission file.

If you enter an override Serving School and enter NO Home or Testing buildings, the new serving school will override those fields as well. You MUST enter a Home and Testing building if they are different from the Serving School. The reason this would happen is that the Home and Testing Building both default to the Serving Building if you enter nothing, so once you override the Serving Building, it would be like entering the same value for all three. To assure this does not happen – please enter the appropriate Home and/or testing building in the correct location.

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