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IL Seal of Biliteracy

The default eSchoolPlus transcript template, TranscriptPrintTemplate.rpx, allows you to include the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy on a student transcript. You can also print the ISBE Commendation toward Biliteracy. The Seal of Biliteracy applies when a student demonstrates proficiency in English and one other language. Commendation toward Biliteracy applies when the student demonstrates progress toward high proficiency in English and a second language.

For official details about the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy program, refer to the state documentation on ISBE's Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy page.

The following sections provide a procedural outline for implementing and using this feature, details on the Seal of Biliteracy student district-defined page, and instructions for uploading the official ISBE image files that print on the student transcript.

Procedural Outline

Before you can print the Seal of Biliteracy and Commendation toward Biliteracy on student transcripts, verify the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Each building needs a Transcript View Setup (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Mark Reporting Setup submenu, select View Setup, and then select Transcript View Setup) with View Type of T - Transcript. The setup needs to use the default Report Template or a copy of the template that includes the components for printing the ISBE seals and the students' qualifying languages. Either make sure the view has Use Default Template selected, or confirm the template is based on TranscriptPrintTemplate.rpx, which has the biliteracy seal components.
  2. Once you receive the image files from ISBE for the Seal of Biliteracy and the Commendation toward Biliteracy, make sure both files meet the format requirements described in Uploading Transcript Image Files.
  3. Once the image files are correctly formatted, follow the procedure Uploading Transcript Image Files.
  4. Update student progress toward biliteracy on the Seal of Biliteracy Student Entry page.
  5. You can print student transcripts and show the biliteracy information at this point.

Menu path: Select Mark Reporting from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Transcript Reports, and then select Print Transcripts.

Menu path: Select Mark Reporting from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student, and then select Transcript Summary. You must select Additional Options and then select Print Student Transcript Summary.

ISBE Seal of Biliteracy Awards Submission File

To include a student in the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy Awards file, you need to update the following Registration district-defined pages and fields for the student:

  • On the ISBE student page, use the Biliteracy English Proficiency field to select the method used for determining the student's English language proficiency.
  • On the IL Seal of Biliteracy student page, make sure the student has a record (row) completed for each language other than English that counts toward the student's biliteracy seal. A completed row has the Language, selection of Seal or Commendation, and Method of Language Proficiency indicating how the student demonstrates acquisition of proficiency.

Seal of Biliteracy Student Entry

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select IL Seal of Biliteracy.

Use this page to enter the languages a student mastered in the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy program. You can also identify any language in which the student demonstrates progress toward high proficiency, qualifying for the Commendation toward Biliteracy seal.

The Print Transcripts option uses these entries to determine if ISBE Seal of Biliteracy and/or the Commendation toward Biliteracy seal should show on the student's printed transcript. Make sure you follow additional prerequisites described in the Procedural Outline.

  • To receive the Seal of Biliteracy on the printed transcript, the student needs Seal selected for at least two languages, one of which must be English.
  • To receive the Commendation toward Biliteracy on the printed transcript, the student needs two languages listed. One of the languages must be English, and English needs Seal selected. At least one language must have Commendation selected.

Also use this page to indicate how the student demonstrates language proficiency for languages other than English. This is used for the Seal of Biliteracy Awards submission file. For entry of the English language proficiency assessment method, use the student's ISBE page.

LanguageSelect the language in which the student earned mastery toward the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy or demonstrated progress toward high proficiency, qualifying for the Commendation toward Biliteracy. The student needs English as one of the languages to receive either seal on the printed transcript.

Select Seal if the associated Language applies to the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy.

Select Commendation if the associated Language applies to the Commendation toward Biliteracy.

To receive the Seal of Biliteracy on the printed transcript, the student needs Seal selected for at least two languages, one of which must be English.

To receive the Commendation toward Biliteracy on the printed transcript, the student needs two languages listed. One of the languages must be English, and English needs Seal selected. At least one language must have Commendation selected.

Method of Language ProficiencySelect the means used to demonstrate language proficiency. Use this for any language other than English. To be included in the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy Awards download, the language needs this proficiency method defined, and the student needs Biliteracy English Proficiency method defined on the ISBE district-defined page.
OverrideReserved for future use.

Uploading Transcript Image Files

The Illinois State Board of Education provides districts with the image files you need to show the ISBE Seal of Biliteracy and the Commendation toward Biliteracy on student transcripts. Once you receive the images, verify they meet these formatting requirements:

  • Save each image as a .gif file.
  • Confirm the Seal of Biliteracy image file is named logo_StateSealofBiliteracy_BW_vector.gif
  • Confirm the Commendation toward Biliteracy image file is named logo_StateCommendationTowardBiliteracy_BW_vector.gif
  • Resize each image so it measures 2" x 2". This is the absolute height and width, also described as the print size in image editors.

Once you confirm these prerequisites, you can upload each image to your application server:

  1. Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select District.
  2. Click Additional options, and then select Upload Transcript Seal image.
  3. Click Browse, locate and select the image file, and then click Open.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Cancel to close the Upload Transcript Seal Image page.
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