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Regulatory > ISBE > Assessment > IL SAT Pre-ID

Use this option to create download table records and final extract file for submitting PSAT and SAT Pre-ID information. This is for the State-Funded SAT assessment. Students are included in SAT Pre-ID processing based on the following criteria:

  • The student has a Current Year Status of Active and is enrolled in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade for the current year. (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal)
  • The student is not assigned a value of 05 - DLM on the ISBE Pre-ID page > Test to be Taken field. (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Pre-Id)
  • The student is not designated to be excluded from IL SAT Pre-ID processing on the Exclude Students from State Reports page. (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > Exclude Students from State Reports)
  • The download will also create a record for any Active-status 12th grade student who has a Test to be Taken value of 12 - 12th Grade SAT Testing on the ISBE - Pre-ID page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > ISBE Pre-Id).
Fiscal YearSchool year that applies for the SAT Pre-ID records you are creating.
Reporting DateDate the download uses to determine which students get processed. Students in 11th grade as of this date get included.
DownloadChecked to run the download and create SAT Pre-ID download table records for review.

Checked to create the final extract file for submission to the testing vendor. The file name will be in this format: SATPREID_RCDTS{}MMDDYYYY{_}_001.csv.

The RCDTS value is your district's State Code Equiv.

Update Existing RecordsChecked if the download option should overwrite existing download table records with the current eSchoolPlus data. Leave the box un-checked to have the download limited to insertion of new records not already in the table.
Log File TypeSelect PDF or CSV.  If you want to be able to open the error/warning log file in a spreadsheet program, select CSV.
Sort Group

Use these fields to select which eSchoolPlus table and field the testing vendor will use to sort your Pre-ID labels. Your selection shows as the Sort Group value in the SAT Pre-ID records.

You can sort using baseline eSchoolPlus student fields, any student program-tracked field, or a field from a student district-defined page. 

  • To select a district-defined field, choose Registration District-Defined from the first drop-down. You can then choose the appropriate page and field.
  • If Sort Group is blank, the download uses student last name.
Filter CriteriaYou may further refine processing based on baseline student fields, student program values, and student district-defined field values.
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