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IL Physical Fitness Assessment

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Regulatory > Physical Fitness Assessment > IL Physical Fitness Assessment

Use this option to save students' IL Physical Fitness Assessment test scores into a download table which you can review through the IL Student Download Search. From the IL Student Download Search listing, you can then export the download table records to a spreadsheet for submitting to the state.

This option does not apply if your district tracks student physical fitness results using the FitnessGram application.


Following are the initial implementation and student entry prerequisites for using this option.

Initial Prerequisites

Before your district begins working with the IL Physical Fitness Assessment test definition and download option, follow these steps:

  1. If specific scores in the Physical Fitness Assessment do not apply to some students, you can exclude the students from the appropriate scores at the subtest level. Refer to How to Exclude a Student from State Reporting for information. A student with a subtest exclusion will have their IL Physical Fitness Assessment results processed without the scores from the excluded subtest.
  2. If teachers should have access to IL Physical Fitness Assessment test score entry in Teacher Access Center, make sure to follow the steps for Teacher Access Center Setup.

Student Entry Prerequisites

In eSchoolPlus, enter student Physical Fitness Assessment results through Test Scores > All > Student > Test History by Student.

In Teacher Access Center, staff use the Performance option and then select the Test Score View for IL Physical Fitness Assessment.


To generate IL Physical Fitness Assessment records you can import to Illinois' state-provided spreadsheet:

  1. Select Regulatory > Physical Fitness Assessment > IL Physical Fitness Assessment.
  2. Enter your report prompt selections referring to the Fields section for more information.
  3. Use the Filter panel to limit the students to process, if needed.
  4. Click Run
  5. Review results using IL Student Download Search.
  6. Repeat Steps 2 - 5 until you are satisfied with the results.
  7. Use IL Student Download Search to list the students you want to report to the state.
  8. Click the Search Results panel's Export to Excel. You can import the resulting file to the Illinois state-provided spreadsheet.
School YearSelect the school year the download uses to check student Entry/Withdrawal records when determining which students get processed. This is also used as the School Year in the download records.
Building ListChoose the Entry/Withdrawal building or buildings to process.
As Of Date

Select the date the download uses as the basis for selecting students to process. Students are included if they are active in the enrollment building as of the selected date and selected school year.

  • Use a date within the prompted School Year.
  • The download includes test scores up to the prompted As Of Date.
Use Current DateChecked if the download should use the current date for the As Of Date.
Include Inactive StudentsChecked if the download should include any student active in the selected building at any point on or prior to the As Of Date. Include the student even if Inactive on the As Of Date as long he or she was active in the selected School Year at some point.
Update Existing Records

Checked if the download should overwrite a student's existing test information for a given test date, using the current test data.

Clear this box if the download should only insert records not already in the table.

File TypeSelect whether the error log should generate as a PDF or CSV file.

IL Physical Fitness Assessment Mapping 

Field Name

Database Table and Field



School Year

Use the prompted School Year when you ran the IL Physical Fitness Assessment option.

Reporting Date

Current date when you ran the download, if Use Current Date prompt was selected. Otherwise, use the prompted As of Date.

Submission Type


Last Name


First Name


Student ID








PACER Cadence - 15 Meter

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = AeroCap, and score_code = PACER15

PACER Cadence - 20 Meter

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = AeroCap, and score_code = PACER20

One Mile Run

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = AeroCap, and score_code = ONEMILE

Brockport Aerobic

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = AeroCap, and score_code = BROCKPORT

Back-Saver Sit and Reach (Left)

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = FLEX, and score_code = SITREACHL

Back-Saver Sit and Reach (Right)

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = FLEX, and score_code = SITREACHR

Trunk Lift

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = FLEX, and score_code = TRUNK

Brockport Flexibility

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = FLEX, and score_code = BROCKPORT

Curl-Up Test

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = MUSEND, and score_code = CURLUP

Brockport Muscular Endurance

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = MUSEND, and score_code = BROCKPORT

Push-Up Test

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = MUSSTR, and score_code = PUSHUP

Brockport Muscular Strength

ltdb_stu_subtest.score where test_code = IL Physical Fitness, subtest = MUSSTR, and score_code = BROCKPORT

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