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IL Out of District Attendance

Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > IL Out of District Attendance

This page applies to the ISBE Student Attendance file. Use it to record any attendance from out-of-district buildings that you would not otherwise be able to pull from student Day Totals records.

From the Download ISBE Submission Files page, you can run a data integrity listing showing cases where a student has either of the following inconsistencies between IL Out of District Attendance and the RCDTS Overrides student program:

  • A Serving Building with FTE that has no Out of District Attendance recorded. The report does not list the student's Entry/Withdrawal building since its attendance is tracked through student Day Totals.
  • Out of District Attendance recorded for an RCDTS Serving School that has no matching Serving School FTE entry in the RCDTS Overrides student program.
School YearISBE reporting year for the attendance data. For example, any record from July 2018 to June 2019 would be considered part of the 2019 school year. The download's Fiscal Year prompt filters student Out of District Attendance records for processing by selecting based on the School Year entries.
Enrollment DateDate the student began enrollment in the Serving School associated with the reported attendance.
RCDTS Home School

Number identifying the region, county, district, type, and school for the building (school) where the student attends or would attend if not placed/transferred elsewhere. Entry is optional.
If this field is blank, the download uses the following logic when creating the Student Attendance record:

  1. Use the Home School RCDTS Override from the student program RCDTS Overrides.
  2. If there is no program override, use the State Code Equiv for the Alternate Building, student Registration page.
  3. If the first two values do not exist, use the Entry/Withdrawal building's State Code Equiv.
RCDTS Serving SchoolNumber identifying the region, county, district, type, and school for the building (school) where the student actually attended. This is the source of the Out of District attendance. This school should also be one of the Serving Schools listed for FTE purposes for the student's RCDTS Overrides record.
Month of AttendanceMonth when the reported attendance occurred.
Year of AttendanceCalendar year when the reported attendance occurred. If you are reporting attendance for November 2019, for instance, you would select 2019. You would not select 2020.
Days EnrolledNumber of membership days the student was enrolled in the reported Serving School for the reported month. This entry is optional and not part of the ISBE Student Attendance file.
Days Present

Number of days, full or partial, the student attended the Serving School for the reported month. Report partial days in decimal format, where 22.5 would mean 22 and one half days. You may enter up to three digits after the decimal.

Do not include Days Medically Homebound or Days Hospitalized in this count.

Days Absent - Excused

Number of days, full or partial, the student missed school for a valid, excused cause for the reported month and Serving School. Report partial days in decimal format, where 2.5 would mean two-and-a-half days. You may enter up to three digits after the decimal.

Do not include Days Medically Homebound or Days Hospitalized in this count.

Days Absent - Unexcused

Number of days, full or partial, the student missed school without valid cause/excuse for the reported month and Serving School. Report partial days in decimal format, where 2.5 would mean two-and-a-half days. You may enter up to three digits after the decimal.

Do not include Days Medically Homebound or Days Hospitalized in this count.

Medically Homebound

Number of days, full or partial, the student received district-provided home/hospital instruction in accordance with 105 ILCS 5/14-13.01. Report partial days in decimal format, where 2.5 would mean two-and-a-half days. You may enter up to three digits after the decimal.

  • A medically homebound student only counts as absent if he or she does not receive instructional services.
  • Count these days separately from Days Present.

Number of days, full or partial, the student was hospitalized or participating in a residential treatment program, but did not receive home/hospital instruction per 105 ILCS 5/14-13.01. Report partial days in decimal format, where 2.5 would mean two-and-a-half days. You may enter up to three digits after the decimal.

Count these days separately from the other categories.

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