Enrollment Claimability Detail Report
The Enrollment Detail (IL General Aid Audit) Report will include details for every student enrolled during the date range entered. It will be grouped by district, building and grade totals. The totals will come from the student day totals, so for numbers here to be accurate you need to run the Attendance - Day totals calculation for the dates/buildings/views you are processing.
Note: To create a detail report of only non-claimable students, you can use the filter to filter on those specific students.
Section: Details | Where are the numbers coming from? |
Student Id | Student's Id |
Student name | Last Name+ , + First Name + Middle Name |
Grade | Student's Grade as of Ending Date |
Days Enrolled | The total number of days the student was enrolled during the date range being processed (for the view selected). The attendance information will come from your Day Totals – so you will have to run the Day Totals Calculation for the view you are using in this report to get accurate data. The attendance is then calculated by selecting the sum (att_stu_day_memb.membership_value) for the student being processed for the date range. |
Days Absent | The total number of absences the student had during the date range being processed (for the view and absence codes selected). The Day Totals calculation must be run prior to this report. The program will select the sum (att_stu_day_totals.att_code_value) for the prompted view and absence codes, for the building / student being processed, for the date range entered. |
Days Present | Days Enrolled – Days Absent for the student. |
Non-Claimable | * if this student has a non-claimable code. If using curriculum and the student has the curriculum code listed in the Non-Claimable codes list, then they would have an * here. |
Claimable | * if this student has a claimable code. If using curriculum and the student has the curriculum code listed in the Claimable codes list, then they would have an * here. |
Students | Blank (just has a total # of students claimable * + non-claimable *'s) in the totals. |
Enrolled on Ending Date | * if this student was enrolled on the end date in the prompts. |