Detailed IL End-of-Year Report Data
Page 1 Information
Section | Description | Where are the numbers coming from? |
A1 | 12 Grade Housed – Male | The total number of male students in grade 12 enrolled on the end date from the prompts + the total number of male students not enrolled on the end date with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of male students with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
A2 | 12 Grade Housed – Female | The total number of female students in grade 12 enrolled on the end date from the prompts + the total number of female students not enrolled on the end date with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of female students with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
B3 | Total School Housed – Male | The total number of male students enrolled on the end date from the prompts + the total number of male students with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted end of year graduation date |
B4 | Total School Housed – Female | The total number of female students enrolled on the end date from the prompts + the total number of female students with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted end of year graduation date |
C | Did your school offer an educational program for persons who had dropped out of school? | Always N/A (not currently stored anywhere) |
D7 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – White – Male | The total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '05' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '05' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D8 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – White – Female | The total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '05' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '05' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D9 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Black - Male | The total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '03' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '03' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D10 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Black – Female | The total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '03' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '03' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D11 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – American Indian or Alaskan Native - Male | The total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '01' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '01' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D12 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – American Indian or Alaskan Native – Female | The total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '01' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '01' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D13 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Asian or Pacific Islander - Male | The total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '02' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '02' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D14 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Asian or Pacific Islander – Female | The total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '02' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '02' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D15 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Hispanic - Male | The total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '04' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '04' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D16 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Hispanic – Female | The total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '04' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '04' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Multiracial - Male | The total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '06' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of male students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '06' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Multiracial – Female | The total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '06' with a graduation year (reg_academic.graduation_year) = to the prompted school year + the total number of female students with regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv = '06' with a graduation date (reg_academic.graduation_date) = to the prompted summer graduation date |
D17 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Total # of Grads - Male | Total of the D# Male sections above |
D18 | High School Graduates by Race/Ethnicity – Total # of Grads – Female | Total of the D# Female sections above |
E-A Grid | Dropouts by Grade Gender and race/ethnicity | The E-A Grid is calculated by getting total number of dropouts by ethnicity, grade and male/female. It calculates if a student is a dropout by checking if they withdrew sometime between the date range entered with a withdrawal code that matches a code in the Dropout Withdrawal code list from the prompts. |
Page 2 Information
Section | Description | Where are the numbers coming from? |
E-B 1 | Dropouts and Enrollment in grades 9-12 for Special Student Groups – LEP Students | Students who are LEP have reg_program_column. state_code_equiv = 'ILLEP' If a student has a value of 'Y' or '01' in the reg_program field for their LEP program during the prompted date range – then they will be counted in this counted in the Enrollment column. If the student also is considered a dropout this year (E-A previous page) then they would be counted in the dropout column. |
E-B 2 | Dropouts and Enrollment in grades 9-12 for Special Student Groups – Migrant Students | Students who are Migrant have reg_program_column. state_code_equiv = 'ILMIG' If a student has a value of 'Y' or '01' in the reg_program field for their Migrant program during the prompted date range – then they will be counted in this counted in the Enrollment column. If the student also is considered a dropout this year (E-A previous page) then they would be counted in the dropout column. |
E-B 3 | Dropouts and Enrollment in grades 9-12 for Special Student Groups – Economically Disadvantaged | Students Meal Status information have reg_program_column. state_code_equiv = 'ILFRL' If a student has a value listed in the Economically Disadvantaged Meal Status codes list from the prompts in the reg_program field for their meal status program during the prompted date range – then they will be counted in this counted in the Enrollment column. If the student also is considered a dropout this year (E-A previous page) then they would be counted in the dropout column. |
E-B 4 | Dropouts and Enrollment in grades 9-12 for Special Student Groups – IEP | Students who are IEP have reg_program_column. state_code_equiv = 'ILIEP' If a student has a value of 'Y' or '01' in the reg_program field for their IEP program during the prompted date range – then they will be counted in this counted in the Enrollment column. If the student also were considered a dropout this year (E-A previous page) then they would be counted in the dropout column. |
F-1 | Other School Info – Agg Number of Days Attendance | The attendance information will come from your Day Totals – so you will have to run the Day Totals Calculation for the view you are using in this report to get accurate data. The attendance is then calculated by selecting the sum(att_stu_day_memb.membership_value) for the building being processed, for the date range entered to get total membership… then subtract the total days absent (calculated in the next line F-2) and subtract from membership total. |
F-2 | Other School Info – Agg Number of Days Absent | As in F-1 – the Day Totals calculation must be run prior to this report. Select the sum(att_stu_day_totals.att_code_value) for the prompted view and absence codes, for the building being processed, for the date range entered. |
F-3 | Area of District in square miles | From prompts (Number of square miles prompt) |
F-4 | Number of new permanent buildings in district | From prompts (Number of new permanent buildings) |
F-5 | Number of new permanent additions in district | From prompts (Number of new permanent additions in district) |
G-1 | Truants | Count of students in the building who have been absent with a Truant code from the prompts during the date range entered (DOES NOT include students who are counted in G-2 Chronic Truants below) Note: Break into Male and Female columns |
G-2 | Chronic Truants | Count of students who have been absent with a Truant code from the prompts 10% or more during the date range entered. Note: This is counting students not absences. It is broken into male and female If a student is absent with a truant code 10% or more then they get counted in the G-2 total if not they will be counted in the G-1 total. |
G-3 | Truant Minors |
H-A | Suspension | Totals for suspensions broken out by Ethnic, grades and Male/Female. Totals for students suspended ONLY 1 time during the prompted date range. Students are considered suspended if they have an action code included in the prompted suspension list. Totals for students suspended More than 1 time during the prompted date range. |
H-B | Suspensions due to various reasons | Calculated using the different reason codes and building type codes from prompts
If a reason code is not filled in on the prompts – then 0's display for those counts. |
H-C | No Pass - No Play Suspensions | Calculated using the action codes from the No Pass No Play suspensions – if not tracking occurrences, checks the disc_off_action.actual_duration to see if the result was 0-7, 8-14 or 15+ days. If tracking occurrences, then the disc_occurrence table is checked to calculate the length of the action |
I-A | Expulsion | Totals for expulsions broken out by Ethnic, grades and Male/Female. A student is expelled if they have an action code matching the expulsion code list in the prompts. |
I-B | Expulsion due to various reasons | Calculated using the different reason codes and building type codes from prompts
If a reason code is not filled in on the prompts – then 0's display for those counts. |
Page 3 Information
Section | Description | Where are the numbers coming from? |
J-A | Disability | Includes students who were suspended or expelled for more than 10 days during the school year: (Uses the suspension and expulsion code list to know who to include – checks the sum of the actual duration field for the student to know if it was more than 10 days – if they were suspended 2 times and had 5 days and 6 days, then they would be included) Row 1-13 (Disabilities will have the following state code equivs):
Row 14: Totals for Rows 1-13 above:
J-B | Race/ethnicity | Same as J-A above but summing for the ethnicity categories using ethnic conversion information from D-7 above. |