Table Layouts
On this page:
The following details describe eSchoolPlus database tables used by the OCR Reports.
Student Groups Used For Codes
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Code | Varchar(50) | Y |
Description | Varchar(255) | Y |
Active | Char(1) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Connection between your local Student Group Definition records (Group_Code) and the Group Used For codes provided by PowerSchool (Used_for_code).
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Group_Code | Varchar(50) | Y |
Used_for_code | Varchar(50) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Student Search Groups Header Record
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Group_Code | Varchar(50) | Y |
Description | Varchar(255) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Used for all eSchoolPlus searches. For OCR, the Login_ID and Search_type will always be _ESP_GROUP.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Login_ID | Char(20) | Y |
Search_type | Char(20) | Y |
Search_Number | Smallint | Y |
Search_Name | Varchar(50) | N |
Description | Varchar(2048) | Y |
Last_search | Char(1) | Y |
Grouping_mask | Varchar (512) | N |
Category | Char (5) | N |
Publish | Bit | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Used for all eSchoolPlus searches. For OCR, the Login_ID and Search_type will always be _ESP_GROUP.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Login_ID | Char(20) | Y |
Search_type | Char(20) | Y |
Search_Number | Smallint | Y |
Sequence_Num | Smallint | Y |
And_or_Flag | Smallint | Y |
Table_name | Char(128) | Y |
Screen_type | Char(2) | N |
Screen_number | Smallint | N |
Program_id | Char(5) | N |
Column_name | Char(128) | Y |
Field_number | Smallint | N |
Operator | Smallint | Y |
Search_value1 | Varchar(255) | Y |
Search_value2 | Varchar(255) | N |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Stores the location of the Federal Course Information page.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Screen_used_for | Varchar(50) | Y |
Screen_type | Char(1) | Y |
Screen_number | Smallint | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Char(20) | Y |
OCR Building Setup
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Smallint | Y |
Building | Int | Y |
Federal_code_equiv | Varchar(20) | Y |
HS_age_in_ungraded | Char(1) | Y |
Ungraded_detail | Char(1) | Y |
Disability_school | Char(1) | Y |
Charter_school | Char(1) | Y |
Alternative_school | Char(1) | Y |
Magnet_school | Char(1) | Y |
Magnet_entire_school | Char(1) | Y |
Alt_academic_students | Char(1) | Y |
Alt_discipline_students | Char(1) | Y |
Alt_other_students | Char(1) | Y |
Ability_grouped_school | Char(1) | Y |
Dual_enroll | Char(1) | Y |
Ap_self_select | Char(1) | Y |
Classroom_teacher_fte | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
Licensed_teacher_fte | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
Fte_teachers_notmeetstatereq | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
Counselor_fte | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
fte_psychologists | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
fte_social_workers | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
fte_nurses | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
fte_security_guards | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
fte_law_enforcement | Decimal(9,2) | Y |
Intersch_athletics | Char(1) | Y |
Intersch_sports_male | Smallint | Y |
Intersch_sports_female | Smallint | Y |
Intersch_teams_male | Smallint | Y |
Intersch_teams_female | Smallint | Y |
Intersch_partic_male | Smallint | Y |
Intersch_partic_female | Smallint | Y |
firearm_use | Char(1) | Y |
homicide_deaths | Char(1) | Y |
justice_facility | Char(1) | Y |
justfac_num_days | Int | Y |
justfac_hours_perweek | Int | Y |
justfac_eduprog_less15 | Int | Y |
justfac_eduprog_15to30 | Int | Y |
justfac_eduprog_31to90 | Int | Y |
justfac_eduprog_91to180 | Int | Y |
justfac_eduprog_more180 | Int | Y |
law_enforce_off | Char(1) | Y |
retained_use_fed_or_loc_grade_code | Char(1) | Y |
internet_fiber | Char(1) | Y |
internet_wifi | Char(1) | Y |
internet_school_issued_device | Char(1) | Y |
internet_student_owned_device | Char(1) | Y |
internet_wifi_enabled_devices | Int | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
dind_instruction_type | Char(1) | |
dind_virtual_type | Char(1) |
Mark type information used to determine passing courses.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Building | Int | Y |
Mark_type | Char(5) | Y |
Mark_order | Smallint | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Calendar codes the OCR Reports option ignores when determining if a student counts as Retained for the School Form report.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Building | Int | Y |
Calendar | Char(1) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
OCR Civil Rights Data detail records.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Ocr_part | Smallint | Y |
Student_id | Char(10) | Y |
Record_type | Varchar(50) | Y |
Building | Int | Y |
Fed_grade | Char(2) | Y |
Fed_race | Char(1) | Y |
Gender | Char(1) | Y |
Detail_record_count | Smallint | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
This table is no longer used for OCR reporting in the current submission year. It stored attendance codes selected on the OCR District Setup's Miscellaneous tab.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Att_code | Char(5) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
OCR District Setup (non-comments)
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Federal_code_equiv | Varchar(20) | Y |
Enroll_date | Datetime | Y |
Idea_date | Datetime | Y |
Semester2_date | Datetime | Y |
Year_start_date | Datetime | Y |
Year_end_date | Datetime | Y |
Race_category | Char(1) | Y |
Ged_prep | Char(1) |
Tot_pub_schools | Int |
Tot_pub_membership | Decimal(9,3) |
Tot_pub_served | Int |
Tot_pub_waiting | Int |
Desegregation_plan | Char(1) |
PreK_age_none | Char(1) |
PreK_age_2_stu_count | Int |
PreK_age_3_stu_count | Int |
PreK_age_4_stu_count | Int |
PreK_age_5_stu_count | Int |
Civ_rights_coord_gndr_id | Char(10) |
Civ_rights_coord_gndr_phone | Char(10) |
Civ_rights_coord_gndr_ext | Char(5) |
Civ_rights_coord_race_id | Char(10) |
Civ_rights_coord_race_phone | Char(10) |
Civ_rights_coord_race_ext | Char(5) |
Civ_rights_coord_dis_id | Char(10) |
Civ_rights_coord_dis_phone | Char(10) |
Civ_rights_coord_dis_ext | Char(5) |
Har_pol_none | Char(1) |
Har_pol_sex | Char(1) |
Har_pol_dis | Char(1) |
Har_pol_race | Char(1) |
Har_pol_any | Char(1) | Y |
Har_pol_weblink | Char(1) |
Certified | Char(1) |
Cert_name | Varchar(60) |
Cert_title | Varchar(60) |
Cert_phone | Varchar(14) |
Cert_date | Datetime |
Cert_auth | Char(1) |
Cert_email | Varchar(70) |
Att_view_type | Char(5) |
Enroll_dist_edu_crs | Char(1) |
Retention_policy | Char(1) | Y |
Num_stu_non_lea | Smallint |
Stu_disc_transfer | Char(1) |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
District/LEA Comments
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Comment_type | Varchar(50) | Y |
Comment | Varchar(2048) |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
This table is no longer used for OCR reporting in the current submission year. It stored expenditure inclusion and exclusion information from the OCR District Setup's Expenditures pane.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Expenditure_ID | Char(5) | Y |
Expenditure_incl | smallint | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
OCR District Setup – Discipline pane.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Disc_code_ID | Char(5) | Y |
Code_or_subcode | Char(1) | Y |
Disc_code | Char(5) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
OCR District Setup – Codes that indicate student was transferred for disciplinary reasons.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Reg_or_alt | Char(1) | Y |
Code_value | Char(5) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
OCR Building Setup – Calculated Non-Student Data.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Building | Int | Y |
Count_type | Varchar(50) | Y |
OCR_part | Char(1) | Y |
Count_value | Varchar(9) | |
Override | Char(1) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
OCR District Setup Testing pane.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
Test_type | Char(3) | Y |
AP_Subject_code | Char(5) | Y |
Test_code | Char(20) | Y |
Test_level | Char(10) | Y |
Test_form | Char(10) | Y |
Subtest | Char(10) | Y |
Score_code | Char(10) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Stores the questions for the LEA and School Counts displayed on the OCR Summary Page.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
OCR_Part | Smallint | Y |
Form_type | Char(1) | Y |
Question_ID | Char(50) | Y |
Record_type | Varchar(50) | Y |
Question_order | Int | Y |
Description | Varchar(255) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Stores data entered and saved on the OCR Summary Page.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
School_year | Int | Y |
OCR_Part | Smallint | Y |
Record_type | Varchar(50) | Y |
Building | Int | Y |
Fed_race | Char(1) | Y |
Gender | Char(1) | Y |
Question_ID | Char(50) | Y |
Count | Int | Y |
Override | Char(1) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Validation table for Federal AP Subject codes used to tie AP courses to AP tests.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Code | Char(5) | Y |
Description | Varchar(255) | Y |
Active | Char(1) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Internal Comment Type validation table used to associate comments in the STATE_OCR_DIST_COM table with a field on the OCR District Setup page.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Comment_type | Varchar(50) | Y |
Description | Varchar(255) | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
Internal validation table used for the OCR District Setup – Discipline pane.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Disc_Code_ID | Char(5) | Y |
Description | Varchar(255) | Y |
Incident_or_action | Char(1) | Y |
Disc_code_order | Smallint | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |
This table is no longer used for OCR reporting in the current submission year. It is an internal validation table that was used for the OCR District Setup's Expenditures pane.
Column | Data Type | Required |
District | Int | Y |
Expenditure_ID | Char(5) | Y |
Expenditure_order | Smallint | Y |
Description | Varchar(255) | Y |
Expenditure_type | Char(1) | Y |
Ed_preferred | Smallint | Y |
Change_date_time | Datetime | Y |
Change_uid | Varchar(20) | Y |