Processing OCR Reports
On this page:
OCR Reports Processing
- Verify that the environment is set to the prior school year.
- Select the menu path Regulatory > Civil Rights Data Collection > Reports > Run OCR Reports.
- Review dates that the OCR Reports will use. If the dates are incorrect, you must update the OCR District Setup.
- Select the buildings to process. Recommended to run for only one or several buildings at a time. Run for each high school separately.
- Select the appropriate options to create the reports and/or files.
- Click Run.
All student counts will consider the following:
- Students who meet the criteria for the OCR_Exclude group will be excluded from all counts.
- Entry or withdrawal building for the above dates is in the selected buildings on the report run page.
End-of-Year Processing
Per the CRDC instructions for LEA (District) form and School (Building) form reporting, some modules in the reports select students for inclusion based on enrollment as of school year start date and some modules include any student enrolled from the beginning of the school year through the school year's end. For End-of-Year processing, the reports include a student based on enrollment in the reported district or building at any point in the year, as defined by the OCR District Setup's School Year Start Date and School Year End Date.
The LEA Form and School Form modules are as follows.
CRDC Report (LEA or School Form) | Report Module | Notes |
LEA Form | DSED: Distance Education | |
LEA Form | HSEE: High School Equivalency Exam | You need to manually enter your district's counts through the OCR Summary option for students participating in a high school equivalency exam program. |
School Form | SCHR: School Characteristics | |
School Form | PSCH: Preschool | |
School Form | ENRL: Enrollment | |
School Form | PENR: Program Enrollment | PENR-6 uses End-of-Year processing. |
School Form | COUR: Courses & Classes | Several fields for this module use End-of-Year processing: COUR. |
School Form | APIB: Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Enrollment | |
School Form | EXAM: SAT/ACT & AP Exams | |
School Form | RETN: Retention | |
School Form | DISC: Student Discipline (Suspension, Expulsion, Corporal Punishment) | |
School Form | ARRS: Student Discipline (Referrals to Law Enforcement & School-Related Arrests) | |
School Form | OFFN: Offenses | |
School Form | HIBS: Harassment or Bullying | |
School Form | RSTR: Restraint & Seclusion |
Additional Processing Notes by Report Module
- All course counts in the COUR module will exclude courses taken in transfer buildings.
- Passing course counts are based on Mark Reporting information. The calculation will compare course earned and attempted credits or look for passing marks as defined in the OCR Building Setup's Course is Considered Passed If field.
- For the EXAM module, Advanced Placement, SAT, and ACT testing counts are based on Test History records in the Test Score Center. Test Codes are identified on the OCR District Setup page – Testing panel.
- Student discipline, offenses, harassment, and bullying counts are based on incident and offender action codes, which are identified on the OCR District Setup page – Discipline panel. Discipline includes suspensions, expulsions, bullying and harassment, and seclusion and restraint information.
- For counts based off of actions, the calculation counts the numbers of times the actions is assigned, not the numbers of days or durations of actions
- To calculate counts for students who reported incidents of harassment or bullying, the district must track victims for these types of incidents. Otherwise, the counts can be entered using the OCR Summary.
- Retention counts are based on entry or withdrawal information. A student is counted as retained if the grade on the last entry or withdrawal record for the prior year is the same as the grade on the first entry or withdrawal record in the current school year, ignoring any summer school records. For information on the setup, refer to Defining Rules for Retention Count.
- Totals for the following modules come directly from the OCR Building Setup: ATHL, STAF, and EXPD.
- For the District Form's HSEE module, use the OCR Summary page to manually enter counts of students participating in a high school equivalency exam preparation program, if applicable.
Disaggregated Count Processing Examples
The following examples illustrate the logic used to report a student in terms of the disaggregation categories included in OCR reporting (race, gender, gifted status, LEP participation, disability, and 504 Plan):
Example 1: A student is counted as IDEA, Female, White when the following conditions are met for a field:
- Is not in the OCR_Exclude group
- Is enrolled on the IDEA date on the OCR District Setup page (open entry/withdrawal record as of that date) and her enrollment building on that date is included in the building list for the report run
- Has Gender="F" in Registration record
- Does not meet the criteria for the OCR_Hispanic group
- Does not meet the criteria for OCR7_Multi group (two or more races)
- Does meet the criteria for the OCR_White group
- Does meet the criteria for the OCR_IDEA group.
Example 2: A student is counted as 504 Plan Only - Male – Multi when the following conditions are met for a field:
- Is not in the OCR_Exclude group
- Is enrolled on the E/W Date to Sample Enrollment date the OCR District Setup page and his enrollment building on that date is included in the building list for the report run
- Has Gender="M" in Registration record
- Does not meet the criteria for the OCR_Hispanic group
- Does meet the criteria for the OCR7_Multi group
- Does not meet the criteria for the OCR_IDEA group
- Does meet the criteria for the OCR_504 group
School Form Report
The building-level report is generated in the format described in the CRDC School Form documentation provided by the Office for Civil Rights. The example that follows includes information entered on the OCR Building Setup page.
Items that do not apply to a school will print with a response of N/A. In this example, the school is a high school, indicated in item SCHR-1, so the Ungraded Detail item, SCHR-2, shows Y.
Disaggregated Counts on the School Form report will be in tabular format on the report.
Counts that do not apply to a school will show as N/A on the report. This will be translated to a right-justified value of 'X' in the flat file. An example would preschool enrollment for a secondary school.
District/LEA Report
The district-level LEA report is generated in the format described in the CRDC LEA Form documentation from the Office of Civil Rights. Following is a sample showing the PDF report.
The next example shows the totals for the HSEE-2 field, which comes directly from the manual entries using the OCR Summary option if your district offers a high school equivalency exam program.