Data Collected and Submission Deadlines
The Civil Rights Data Collection opens for the current Submission Year. The LEA and School form reports are no longer separated into Parts 1 and 2. Each form is broken into reporting modules, categorizing the type of data collected. Following are summaries of the report modules included in the LEA Form and School Form.
District (LEA) Form
- Total Number of schools
- Total number of students served in the LEAs schools
- Total number of students served in both LEA schools and out-of-LEA
- Number of children awaiting special education evaluation
- Harassment and bullying policies
- Desegregation order or plan
- Prekindergarten and kindergarten programs
- Distance education participants
- GED-course taking and earning GED credential
Building (School) Level Form
- School characteristics and whether a special education, magnet, alternative or charter school
- Enrollment including disaggregated data for total enrollment, LEP, disability IDEA, Section 504 only, prekindergarten and gifted and talented programs
- Algebra I, advanced math, and advanced science course taking and number of classes
- Teacher certification and experience, and counselors
- Number of AP courses offered and number of students participating in AP courses or the International Baccalaureate program
- AP test-taking
- Discipline
- Harassment and bullying
- Restraints and seclusion
- Teacher absences
- Students who passed Algebra I
- SAT and ACT test-taking
- Internet availability