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Browser Support Tab

This tab includes fields that are used by the necessary applications in regard to browser support.

The system will verify that the user is using a browser that supports the features required to properly render the web site content.

  • If users try accessing the site with a browser that does not support the required features, a default message displays, indicating they are using an unsupported browser.
  • The district can write its own HTML page message content.


In the text box for each application on this tab, enter the Unsupported Browser Usage Message text to display.

You can enter a different message in each text box to customize the message for each application



Unsupported Browser Usage Message

Enter the content you want to display to notify users when they attempt to access site content which is not supported by their browser.

This field should contain only the portion of the HTML that is inside the BODY tag.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.