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September 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.9.0.0



Release Note

ESP-89103SSID Enrollment
  • Added the Graduation Exemption Indicator field to the CA Graduation Page.
  • Updated the SSID download, extract, and search pages.
  • Added a check that if the State Code Equivalent of the Student School Completion Status is 100, and the Graduation Exemption Indicator field is not populated, a warning will be generated on download: “Graduation Exemption Indicator cannot be blank if School Completion Status is 100”.
  • If the State Code Equivalent of the Student School Completion Status is not 100, the Graduation Exemption Indicator will be blank in the download and extract.
ESP-88945Validation Tables

Added 449 new codes to the Languages validation table.

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