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Section A. Number of Classified Staff for ORA

Classified Staff – Ethnicity/Race
Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > General Information panel

  • Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity
  • Race


  • If Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity is chosen as 'Y' for yes, the staff member will be counted as Hispanic only.
  • The staff member is considered Two or More Races if multiple races are assigned and none of the assigned races is Hispanic.
  • CDIF or SIF is determined by the CDS Number for the job classification on the CA ORA Staff Assignments page. Records for the CDIF are identified by a CDS Number that repeats your district's State Code Equiv value twice. So, if your district's State Code Equiv is 1234567, the CDIF CDS Number would be 12345671234567. All other CDS Numbers identify a record for the SIF form.
    • Note that although the CDIF CDS Number shows your district State Code Equiv twice in eSchoolPlus, the CDIF Part A record will show the district number followed by seven zeroes (0000000).
  • Every staff member will be counted only once in terms of race/ethnicity and location.

Classified Staff – Hire Date and Exit Date for ORA
Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > District-Defined panel > CA Staff Demographics

  • Hire Date
  • Exit Date


  • The dates are used to determine if the staff member was active on CBEDS Date.

Classified Staff – Job Classification and FTE for ORA
Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > District-Defined panel > CA ORA Staff Assignments

  • School of Assignment
  • Job Class
  • FTE


  • CDS Number is used to determine the building or buildings of the staff member.
  • Job Class is used to determine the staff member's job classification.
    • Paraprofessionals
      • Codes:
        • 23 – CBEDS Class (K-12): Paraprofessional
        • 42 – Title VI: Teacher Aide
        • 52 – Migrant Ed: Teacher Aid
    • Office/Clerical Staff
      • Codes:
        • 19 – CBEDS Class (K-12): Clerical
        • 44 – Title VI: Clerical
        • 53 – Migrant Ed: Clerical
        • 58 – Migrant Ed: Support Services
    • Other Classified Staff
      • Codes:
        • 24 – CBEDS Class (K-12): other Classified St
        • 43 – Title VI: NON-Clerical Support Services
        • 45 – Title VI: other
        • 54 – Migrant Ed: Recruiter
        • 55 – Migrant Ed: Records Transfer
        • 57 – Migrant Ed: Linker Advocate
        • 59 – Migrant Ed: other
  • Percent of Time is used to determine whether the staff member is full-time or part-time. Full-time is considered at 96 percent and higher.
  • Percent of Time is also used to provide Full Time Equivalent totals for classified staff for the three categories identified in rows 7, 8, and 9 of both the CDIF and SIF reports. The report uses gender, CDS Number, race/ethnicity, and Job Class to determine where the staff member's Percent of Time value gets added.
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