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Increment Staff Education Years

Regulatory > CALPADS > Utilities > CA Increment Staff Education Years
Use this utility to update the Years in Education and Years in District fields on the CA Demographics page.



Building Groups

Choose a building type as populated from the Building Group (catb_bldg_groups) table. This field is optional and if left blank the extract will run for all buildings.

Active Date

The value in this date will be used to determine which staff members to update the Total Years in District and Total Years in Education fields (if checked). The Hire Date and Exit Date fields on the CA Staff Demographics fields will be compared to the date you key in here. If the staff's Hire Date is before or on the Active Date and the Exit Date is blank or after this date, the staff's data will be updated.

Program Start Date

Due to CALPADS submission requirements, we have to track the date that a staff member's Total Years in District/Education were updated. We are tracking that in a Staff Program record. Enter the date that you want to use as the new program vector Start Date. In the example above, we are getting Staff who are active on the CALPADS Census date for the 2011 School Year and setting the Program Start date to the start of the school year.

Increment Total Years in District

Checked if you want to update the Total Years in District field on the CA Staff Demographics page. As the warning on the page indicates, it will update all records without looking at the filter or the promted building. It does not compare with the hire date, only increments the value in the field by 1. Use with Caution.

Increment Total Years in Education

Checked if you want to update the Total Years in Education field on the CA Staff Demographics page. As the warning on the page indicates, it will update all records without looking at the filter or the promted building. It does not compare with the hire date, only increments the value in the field by 1. Use with Caution.

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