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Creating the Physical Fitness Pre-ID File



As Of Date

The date you are creating the file as of. This date will be used to determine if a student was enrolled on this date. For example, if you use 3/1 as the As Of Date and a student entered the district on 3/2, that student will not be included in the file.

Physical Fitness Test Date

Enter the first day of testing.

Building Groups

Select a building group if you want to select by building group.

Grade List

You may now select what grades you want to create the file for.

Charter Number

If you are storing a Charter Number in a student district-defined field and you want it included in the file, select the table and field from which it should be pulled.

Teacher Name

Select the table and field that you put the teacher's name in the previous step.

Send Parental Information

Checked if you want to include the Parent/Guardian Name in the file. It is optional according to the State.

Address Type

If you are sending Parental Information, select what address you would like to include.

Zero Pad Student ID

Checked if you want to zero pad the Student ID field in the Physical Fitness Pre-ID file.


Select your Testing Vendor, EDS or Evalumetrics. The file layouts are different, so please select the correct one.

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