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Carl Perkins Grant-Link File Processing

Regulatory > Utilities > Utilities > Create Carl Perkins Grant-Link File


Field Description

School Year

The school year you are running the submission.

As Of Date

For the submission, choose a date for the report to be run "as of". Extract will include students who were active from the beginning of the school year provided in the School Year prompt, until the date specified in this prompt

Building Group

Choose a building type as populated from the Building Group (catb_bldg_groups) table. This field is optional and if left blank the extract will run for all buildings.

Mark Types

Choose a mark type from the drop down. If you have Semester and Final Marks for student courses but only want to send the Final Mark, select this mark type.


Choose a test score that is used for CAHSEE Math from the list.

CAHSEE English

Choose a test score that is used for CAHSEE English from the list.

Address Type

Select Guardian or Mailing

Include Student Email

Checked if student's email address should be included.

Log File Type

This prompt is used to indicate which type of file the user wishes to generate. Selecting CSV will create the file in Excel format. Selecting Text will create the file in Text format. In My Recent Reports section of the home page, the file names will be the same whether CSV or Text is selected. However, when the file name is accessed, the CSV file will open in excel and the Text format will open on the page.

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