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California Specific Student View Only Pages

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View 240 Minute Students

Student Center>Attendance

If a student does not attend class for at least 240 minutes per day, you may view their attendance information on this page.

CALPADS Student Summary

Regulatory > CALPADS > Summary > CALPADS Student Summary

After you have extracted data about a student to be sent to the State for CALPADS, you may view the data for each file for the student here.

The CALPADS Summary Page will be shown later in this guide.

View 240 Minute Students Using Advanced Search

After you have run the 240 Minute Calculation, you can search for and list students who were determined to fall below the 240 minute daily attendance average. To do so, use the student search as follows:

  1. Select Advanced as your Student Search type.
  2. In the Advanced Search Criteria, select 240 Minutes as the Area. Create criteria rows filtering on Building and Attendance Date. For example, you could filter on Attendance Date where the month is a specific month to see all records within a building for that month.
  3. In the List Field Selection section, create three rows using Area 240 Minutes for all three rows. For Field Name, choose Building for one row, and for the other two rows, choose Attendance Date and Average Time.
  4. Click Load Records to see students meeting your criteria who fell below a two-day attendance average of 240 minutes per day based on the CA Run 240 Minute Calculation option.

Audit Trail Summary

Attendance > All > Reports > Audit Trail Summary

If you need to give an auditor audit trail information about a particular student's attendance, you can use this page. You can save this report as a PDF or Excel file by selecting the appropriate File Type.

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