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California Programs and Date-Tracked Items

This section of the guide discusses the programs or date-tracked items that are necessary for California State Reporting.

Program Overview for California State Reporting



Submission Type


This program stores date tracked information regarding Alternate School Assessment Model students.


CA100 – 5% Projects

If a student is participating in a 5% Projects program, you will track this information on this program.


CA101 – 504 Accommodation Plan

This page stores date-tracked information regarding 504 Accommodation Plans for students with disabilities who do not qualify for Individual Education Plans (IEPs).


CA102 – Adolescent Family Life

If a student is participating in the Adolescent Family Life program, you will track the information on this page.


CA108 – Opportunity

If a student is has attendance/truancy problems, is disruptive when in class or is failing academically he/she may participate in an Opportunity program. You will use this page to date-track information for these programs for students.


CA113 – CA Partnership Academy

If a student is participating in a California Partnership Academy (Educational Options), you will enter the information on this page. CA Partnership Academies focus on smaller learning groups with career themes.


CA115 – ESEA/NCLB Title I – Part A

This page tracks information about private-school students who receive Title I educational services from your district.


CA120 – English Proficiency

This program stores information about a student's English Proficiency and also their English Learner status, if applicable. This program is linked to


CA122 – NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted

If a student is participating in a program that gets federal funds to help meet the needs of low-achieving student's in high-poverty schools, update his/her information here.


CA127 – Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

If a student is participating in a GATE program (either for highly-achieving or underachieving students who are gifted and talented, update his/her information here).


CA132 – Indian Education

If a student is participating in a program for American Indian Education, related to Part A, Subpart 1, Title VII, NCLB, update his/her information here.


CA135 – Migrant Education

If a student is receiving services related to a Migrant Education program, update his/her information here.


CA144 - Special Education

This program is used to track information about students who are eligible or participating in Special Education programs.


CA145 - Special Education Infant

This program is used to track information about pre-K children who are participating in Special Education programs.


CA154 - Career Technical Education

If a student is participating in a Career Technical Education program, enter his/her information here.


CA162 – Pregnant or Parenting Programs

If a student is participating in a Pregnant or Parenting program, including but not limited to the California School-Age Families Education Program (Cal-SAFE), enter his/her information here.


CA174 - NCLB Title I Part A Neglected

This program is used to track a student's participation in a Title I Part A Neglected program.


CA185 – Transitional Kindergarten

Use this program to track a student's participation in a Transitional Kindergarten program.


CA190 – Foster Program

Use this program to indicate whether a student receives foster services.

CALPADS Fall 1 and EOY 2

CA191 – Homeless Program

Use this program to indicate when a student identified as homeless is eligible for homeless services. Unaccompanied Youth and Runaway Youth Indicators are also tracked here.

CALPADS Fall 1 and EOY 2

CAALT - Educational Options

This page stores information about the following Educational Options programs: 165-Alternative School and Program of Choice, 111-Independent Study Full Time, 170-Independent Study Part Time, 166-International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, 109-Magnet Program, 108-Opportunity, 112-Other, 110-Pregnant/Parenting, 167-Smaller Learning Community, 168-Specialized Secondary Program, 169-Thematic School or Program


CACSR - Class Size Reduction

This page stores information about programs 117-Class Size Reduction Option 1 (full day) and 118-Class Size Reduction Option 2 (half day). This program is used for the CA Class Size Reduction Grades K-3 reports.


CACTE – CTE Information

This program stores information on whether a student is a Single Parent or a Displaced Homemaker.

Carl Perkins Grant-Link File

CADIS - District of Residence

If a student is attending classes in your district, but lives in another district, enter the district on this date-tracked page.



This page stores information about programs 121-ESEA/NCLB Title I Part A – School wide and 122-ESEA/NCLB Title I Part A – Targeted Assistance.


CALNC - National School Lunch Program

If a student qualifies for free or reduced lunches, the information will be tracked on this program (for programs 181-National School Lunch Program – Free meals and 182-National School Lunch Program – Reduced price meals. This program is linked to the Meal Status field on the Personal page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal).


CAREC - Receiver School - Involuntary Transfer

If a student is transferred from his/her Entry/Withdrawal building due to disciplinary issues, you will update this information here.


NOTE: If you have students in your district that you do not schedule courses for (i.e. elementary students), you will need to create a Homeroom Tracking program in order for the CA Attendance reports to be correct. You may also have a program for Curriculum tracking. Currently, these are not pre-defined by PowerSchool, but may be set up by your District's system administrator(s). Some of the programs are further explained in the following sections.

CA100 - 5% Projects

If a student is participating in a 5% Projects program, you will enter the start date on this page and check the value box. Update additional information as necessary.

CA101 – 504 Accommodation Plan

If a student does not qualify for an IEP (individualized Education Plan), then he or she may qualify for a 504 Accommodation Plan. If a student is eligible to participate in a 504 Accommodation Plan, you will enter the start date and check the Value box for Eligibility on this page.

If a student is participating in a 504 Accommodation Plan program, you will enter the start date on this page and check the value box for 504 Accommodation Plan. Update additional information as necessary.

If a student is marked as eligible, the Student Programs file reports 1 – Eligible for this program in the Education Membership Code field. If there is no Eligibility program vector, the download looks for 504 Accommodation Plan vector. If this is present, the student is reported as 3 – Participating.

In addition to the information needed for state reporting, there are 10 comment rows that you can use to store free text for the plan. Each comment stores up to 200 characters. Note that the comment information is not reported to the state.

CA102 – Adolescent Family Life

If a student is pregnant or a parent, then she/he may participate in the Adolescent Family Life program and you will enter the start date on this page and check the value box. Update additional information as necessary.

CA108 – Opportunity

If a student is has attendance/truancy problems, is disruptive when in class or is failing academically he/she may participate in an Opportunity program. You will use this page to date-track information for these programs for students.

CA120 – English Proficiency

Program Line


Used In/For

English Proficiency

The student's level of English Proficiency. This field is linked to the English Proficiency field on the CA Demographics page.


ELA CST Proficiency

Select the appropriate proficiency level of the student on the English Language Arts California Standards Tests. When a student changes to RFEP, enter the date that they took the test that reclassified them to RFEP and select Y. This field is linked to the ELA CST Proficient or Advanced field on the CA Demographics page.


Schooling in the US

Override value used to indicate that a student still qualifies for immigrant eligibility. This field is linked to the Schooling in the United States field on the CA Demographics page.


English Learner

Checked if a student is receiveing English Learner services. This field is linked to the ESL field on the Personal page.


Instructional Setting

Select the appropriate Instructional Setting.


Service Received

Select the services that the student is receiving.


English Language Mainstream






Economically Disadvantaged



Educationally Disadvantaged



CA144 – Special Education

When a student is eligible for or participating in Special Ed services, you will update this page. The following fields can be used on this page.

Program Line


Used In/For


Checked if a student is eligible for Special Education services. The student may be receiving services or may not be.

CALPADS Student Programs File

Special Education

Checked if a student is receiveing Special Education services.

No longer used for CALPADS Student Programs as of Fall 2017

Nonpublic/Nonsectarian Inst

School code for the certified non-public non-sectarian school the student attends.


Instructional Setting

Select the appropriate Instructional Setting.


Service Received

Select the services that the student is receiving.


English Language Mainstream






Economically Disadvantaged



Educationally Disadvantaged



Exit Reason



Primary Disability

Select the student's primary Special Education disability (not necessarily a medical disability).

CALPADS Student Programs File and Pre-ID


If a student has additional disabilities that you want to track, use the Disability lines.



See above



See above


Selpa of Service

Enter the Selpa of Service



If the student is enrolled in courses in a building, but should be counted towards another building's attendance, select the Attendance Building here.


District of Service

If the student is receiving Special Education services in a district other than yours, select that district here.


Instutution Type 1

Select the type of institution that the student is receiving services in.


Last IEP Date

Enter the student's last IEP Date


Last Evaluation Date

Enter the student's last Evaluation Date


Referral Date

Enter the date the student was referred to Special Education.


% of Time Outside Regular Clas

Select the appropriate value to indicate the amount of time a student receives services outside of a regular classroom.


School of Service

If the student is receiving services in a building other than the one that he/she is enrolled in, select that building.

CALPADS Student Programs File

District of Accountability

If a student is receiving services in your district, but another district is accountable for the student, enter that district here.

CALPADS Student Programs File

CADIS – District of Residence

When a student attends your District but lives in another District, this program will be updated. You can update it from Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs or by going to the CA Demographics page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Demographics) and clicking on the Interdistrict Transfer hyperlink.

Program Line


Used In/For

Interdistrict Transfer

Select the appropriate reason that the student is attending your District.


District of Residence

Select the Distric that the student resides in. This is required if you are reporting an Interdistrict Transfer category for the student.


Interdistrict Transfer Program and CALPADS SSID Files

The eSchoolPlus CALPADS Extract applies additional logic when creating SSID records for a student with Interdistrict Transfer information. The Extract reconciles the student's building enrollment records from Entry/Withdrawal against Interdistrict Transfer Start and End Dates, creating SSID records to reflect changes both in building enrollment and in terms of any Interdistrict Agreement related to the student.

The following examples show sample data from eSchoolPlus, including extract results you would see in each case for the SSID file. Note that whenever the Extract finds an Interdistrict Transfer End Date without a matching Withdrawal Date from Entry/Withdrawal records, it closes out an SSID record for the student automatically, applying the Exit Reason E150 – Mid Year Enrollment Update.

Change in Interdistrict Transfer; No change in Building Enrollment

Entry/Withdrawal records

Interdistrict Transfer program records

District of Residence program records

SSID file records

Entry Date 08/05/2014
No Withdrawal Date

Start Date 08/05/2014
End Date 12/01/2014

Start Date 08/05/2014
No End Date

Enrollment Entry Date 08/05/2014
Enrollment Exit Date
Exit Reason Code E150


Start Date 12/02/2014
No End Date


Enrollment Entry Date
No Enrollment Exit Date

Change in Interdistrict Transfer; Withdrawal from Building

Entry/Withdrawal records

Interdistrict Transfer program records

District of Residence program records

SSID file records

Entry Date 08/05/2014
Withdrawal Date 03/03/2015
Withdrawal Code T160

Start Date 08/05/2014
End Date 12/01/2014

Start Date 08/05/2014
No End Date

Enrollment Entry Date 08/05/2014
Enrollment Exit Date
Exit Reason Code E150


Start Date 12/02/2014
No End Date


Enrollment Entry Date
Enrollment Exit Date
Exit Reason Code T160

Change in Interdistrict Transfer; Change in Building Enrollment; Differing Exit Dates

In this example, the student has changes for Entry/Withdrawal and for the Interdistrict Transfer program. The Exit Dates differ. Note how this affects the resulting SSID records. The first Entry/Withdrawal period splits into two SSID records to account for the Interdistrict Transfer change. The third SSID record begins with the student's next Entry/Withdrawal period.

Entry/Withdrawal records

Interdistrict Transfer program records

District of Residence program records

SSID file records

Entry Date 08/05/2014
Withdrawal Date 03/03/2015
Withdrawal Code T160

Start Date 08/05/2014
End Date 12/01/2014

Start Date 08/05/2014
No End Date

Enrollment Entry Date 08/05/2014
Enrollment Exit Date
Exit Reason Code E150

Entry Date 03/04/2015
No Withdrawal Date

Start Date 12/02/2014
No End Date


Enrollment Entry Date
Enrollment Exit Date
Exit Reason Code T160




Enrollment Entry Date
No Enrollment Exit Date

Change in Interdistrict Transfer; Change in Building Enrollment; Same Exit Date

In this example, the student has changes to Entry/Withdrawal and the Interdistrict Transfer program. This time, Exit Dates are the same, resulting in two SSID records.

Entry/Withdrawal records

Interdistrict Transfer program records

District of Residence program records

SSID file records

Entry Date 08/05/2014
Withdrawal Date 03/03/2015
Withdrawal Code T160

Start Date 08/05/2014
End Date 03/03/2015

Start Date 08/05/2014
No End Date

Enrollment Entry Date 08/05/2014
Enrollment Exit Date
Exit Reason Code T160

Entry Date 03/04/2015
No Withdrawal Date

Start Date 03/04/2015
No End Date


Enrollment Entry Date
No Enrollment Exit Date

CAREC – Receiver Schools

When a student leaves your District as a result of an Involuntary Transfer or leaves an Alternative School, you must update a value in this program.

If a building in your system has the Alternate School field checked on the CA Institution page and a student withdraws from that building and does not have a value in the After Alternative Education program line, you will get an error in the CALPADS Extract log.

Program Line


Used In/For

Involuntary Transfer

Select the Building that the student is going to as a result of an Involuntary Transfer (Withdrawal Code with a state code equiv of T165).

CALPADS Student Informaiton File

After Alternative Education

Select the Building that the student will attend after leaving your Alternative Education school.


The Receiver School start date on the program page should be the day after the Withdrawal Date on the Entry/Withdrawal page. If the student remains within the district, the start and end dates for the program should be the same as the Entry and Withdrawal Dates for the transfer building. If the student is transferred out of the District, the start date should be after the withdrawal date and the end date would be when the student returns to the District. The program may be left open when there are no additional exit reasons using the State exit code of '165'.

Homeroom Tracking Program

If your District has elementary buildings and you are date-tracking your homeroom assignments, the Homeroom Program page now includes information regarding the teacher so that you can easily see who the teacher was when the student was in the homeroom.

The Homeroom Teacher column will use the Staff Member's Building Display Name. The information in the Building and Grade columns come from the student's Entry/Withdrawal information.

Programs for CALPADS Effective Date Tracking

As you will learn later in this Guide, CALPADS employs Effective Date processing and in order to track changes for some fields, eSchoolPlus will use the following program. You should not update data in this program, unless the data is incorrect being sent to CALPADS.

  • EDCTC – CALPADS Student Contact Info

Note: Do NOT use the Generate Programs Utility to update the information in these Effective Date programs. Doing so will cause problems with your submissions.

How Data in CALPADS Programs Are Used

This section of the guide explains how data in the CALPADS programs are used when extracting data to send to CALPADS. We use Contact information as an example, but the overall concept is similar for other fields that CALPADS wants the effective date of change for.

Changes to the student contact information are being held in the program table with the program id as EDCTC. Here are the fields that are tracked for contacts. When data in the reg_contact table is changed, program vectors are closed for the old value and opened for the new value.

Field number

Contact information stored in the program value


Street number + Street_Prefix + Street_Name + Street_Type + Street_Suffix


Development + Complex + 'Apt' + Apartment








Minimum education_level of the Guardian for the contact type 'G'


First name of the Guardian with the contact priority 1


Last name of the Guardian with the contact priority 1


First name of the Guardian with the contact priority 2


Last name of the Guardian with the contact priority 2

Initially, the program records were populated for all students using a migration script for the school year 2009/2010. So the initial script created a program record with the program id EDCTC for each student with 10 fields. If one of the above field is null, then the program value will be populated as 'N/A'.

After creating the program with the initial script we created a trigger on the REG_CONTACT and REG_STU_CONTACT table to track the values change.

A database trigger will get fired whenever a user changes any of the above mentioned REG_CONTACT fields. The trigger will then check and update the program records as per the below scenario (considering the fact that the initial migration script has created a record for each student).

  1. If the user updated the street number (the data tracked in field number 1) to a newer value on a different date from the start date of the program for that student, the trigger will then close the existing program vectors for field number 1 and created a new program records for field number 1 with today's date as the start date.
  2. If the user updated the street number again on the same day as the program start date then the trigger will only update the program value and it will not close the program vector.
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