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CA Summer School Attendance

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > CA Summer School Attendance
This information is due to the State after summer school is completed.



School Year

Enter the school you for which you want to run the report.

View Type

Select the Attendance View that you want to use to get attendance information for the report.

Building List (radio buttons – All or Selected dropdown)

Select ALL or Selected. If Selected, the user may either use drop-down to select multiple buildings or enter a comma-separated list of building numbers.


Select/enter either an Attendance Interval or a Date Range.

Include Summary

Checked if you want to print a Summary page.

Include Signature

Checked if you want to include a signature line on the report.

Log Statistics

If you check this option, it will include the prompts you entered as the first page of the report. The second page will begin your report(s).

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