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CA Grade Span Adjustment Grades K-3 Detail

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > CA Grade Span Adjustment Grade K-3 Detail
The Grade Span Adjustement Report for Grades K-3 Detail is used to verify that the data on the Class Size Summary report is correct.

Primary Homerooms MUST be Program-tracked in order to run the Class Size Reduction report. Only students who are enrolled in either program CACSR, element Option One or Option Two as of the report start and end date range will be included in the report. Attendance information is only shown as a reference and is not used when totaling for class size.


Field Description

Building List

Enter a building or select a list of buildings for which the report will be run.

Print Grade

Select whether the Registration grade level or State Equivalent grade level will be printed on the report.

View Type

Select a view type to be used to print absence information for each day within the 4 week period that the report will cover.


Select either Attendance interval to enter the interval to be totaled on or Date range to enter a start and end date for the totals.

List By

Select to list attendance by attendance codes, district groups or state groups.

Codes for Absences

Select a list of absence codes to be printed on the report or select All.

Header Text

Enter text to be printed at the top of the report

Calculate Day Totals

Check if you wish the Day Totals Calculation to be run prior to running the report.

Log Statistics

If you check this option, it will include the prompts you entered as the first page of the report. The second page will include your actual ADA report.

NOTE: the Day Totals Calculation must be run for every building and attendance interval covering the date range desired to report on the Class Size Reduction Detail Report.

The system calculates the Average Number of Student per Class in the following manner:

  • For each Class Size Reduction Program (option 1 and option 2), students are counted in enrollment by grade and classroom.
  • For each Class Size Reduction Program, class size is the sum of number of membership days for each student included for date range divided by the sum of the number of students for the same range.

Total Apportionment is calculated for each Class Size Reduction program as the total class size times the appropriate rate from the prompts.

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