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CA Grade Span Adjustment by Teacher Report

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > CA Grade Span Adjustment By Teacher Report
Primary Homerooms MUST be Program-tracked in order to run the Class Size Reduction report. Room Tracking may be setup to track the teacher's homerooms. If this is not setup, the Primary Homeroom from the Staff Building will be used in the report.

The Grade Span Adjustment by Teacher Report will create a report for students enrolled in grade K-3 where the state code equivalent is 'KN', '01', '02', or '03'. The report is based on student membership in a teacher's class for each day of the report.


Field Description

Building List

Enter a building or select a list of buildings for which the report will be run.

Grade List

Select the grade(s) that you want to print the report for.

Grades to Use

Select district grades or state equivalency grades.


Select either Attendance interval to enter the interval to be totaled on or Date range to enter a start and end date for the totals.

Log Statistics

If you check this option, it will include the prompts you entered as the first page of the report. The second page will include your actual report.

Note: the Day Totals Calculation must be run for every building and attendance interval covering the date range desired to report on the Class Size Reduction by Teacher Report.
Average number of students per class is calculated the following manner:

  • For each day, the class size is the sum of number of student membership for teacher and grade.
  • For the report average, the total for month is divided by the number of membership days in the date range from prompts.
  • For yearly average, the total for the whole year is divided by the number of membership days in the whole year.

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