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CA CTE Completer

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA CTE Completer

Use this page to track a student's CTE participation, CTE Pathways, and, when appropriate, year of CTE Pathway completion. This information is used in the End of Year 1 collection's Student Career Technical Education file.




CA CTE Pathway

Select the CTE Pathway in which the student participates.

CALPADS EOY 1 (Student Career Technical Education file)

CTE Completer

Checked to indicate the student completed the indicated CTE Pathway.


School Year

School year when the student started participating in the selected CTE Pathway. This is referenced by the CALPADS extract to determine which academic year serves as starting point for creating a Student CTE record in this Pathway for the student.

For example, if you run the CALPADS extract for 2013, you would not see a Student CTE record created for a Pathway with a School Year of 2014.

CALPADS EOY 1 (Student Career Technical Education file)

Academic Year ID

School year when the student completed the associated CTE Pathway. This year is reported as the CTE Completion Academic Year ID in the Student CTE file.

CALPADS EOY 1 (Student Career Technical Education file)

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