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August 2023 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_23.8.0.0



Release Note

ESP-88436Test Definition

Updated test level to 'SBSMATHNP’ from ‘SBSMATH’ in existing test definition for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for Math 2022 Non-Performance Task on the test, subtest, subtest score, and import header and detail tables.

Created a new test definition and added test, subtest, and subtest score for test level ‘SBSMATHPT' for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for Math 2022 Performance Task.

Updated the test level to ‘SBSMATHPT’ from ‘SBSMATH’ in the existing test definition for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for Math 2022 Performance task on the import header and detail tables.

ESP-88435Test Definition

Updated the test level to 'SBSELANP’ from ‘SBSELA’ for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA 2022 Non-Performance Task on the test, subtest, subtest score, and import header and detail tables.

Created the new test, subtest, and subtest score for test level ‘SBSELAPT' for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for the ELA 2022 Performance task.

Updated the test level to ‘SBSELAPT’ from ‘SBSELA’ for Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA 2022 Performance task on the import header and detail tables.

ESP-88434Test Definition

Updated the test level ‘CAASCIE’ from ‘CAASCI’ for CAASCI CAA for Science 2022 (Earth and Space Sciences) on the test, subtest, subtest score, and import header and detail tables.

Created the new test, subtest, and subtest score for test level ‘CAASCIP' for CAASCI CAA for Science 2022 (Physical Sciences).
Updated the test level to ‘CAASCIP’ from ‘CAASCI’ for CAASCI CAA for Science 2022 (Physical Sciences) on the import header and detail tables.

Created the new test, subtest, and subtest score for test level 'CAASCIL' for CAASCI CAA for Science 2022 (Life Sciences).
Updated the test level to 'CAASCIL’ from 'CAASCI’ for CAASCI CAA for Science 2022 (Life Sciences) on the import header and detail tables.

ESP-88361CA Create CALPADS Extract/State Files

Updated the data type length from 2 to 3 for the Language of Instruction Code field in the Course Section and the Primary Language field in the SELA layout download.

ESP-87722Create CALPADS Extract/State Files

Updated the End of Year 3 Student Absence/Discipline Submission files to be extracted without any duplicate records.

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